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The best file manager for iPad 2

The iPad doesn't have a file manager, like Windows Explorer, because each app on the iPad has its own private file space. Unlike Windows, where files are kept centrally and can be accessed by any program, on the iPad each app is completely isolated - in a little world of its own - with its own copy of whatever files it needs.

The iPad's operating system, iOS, doesn't allow one app to view another app's files, so a program like Windows Explorer would be impossible to write for the iPad. Only very limited interaction between apps is allowed and that is under the very strict control of the iPad's operating system, iOS.

If you jail break your iPad, then this restriction is removed but that's another story...

I use GoodReader as my workaround file management app. Easy to use, interacts with most other apps I have, syncs to cloud.
But it is definitely a 'workaround' - it can't see files held by other apps, only its own files. So, yes, you can store all sorts of files in GoodReader and then export them to other apps - and that's great - but you still can't see the files that other apps have.

Not for most people. I'm a long long time Win user (since just about the beginning) but I love not having to deal with it. I do use Goodreader and Dropbox to keep organized for content but otherwise--its quite nice to just choose an app (and I do use lots of apps as sort of workarounds to do lots of work but I'm still happy with apps and not dealing with Windows like organization on the Ipad). I am still a Win7 person on my PC.
Diane B said:
Not for most people. I'm a long long time Win user (since just about the beginning) but I love not having to deal with it. I do use Goodreader and Dropbox to keep organized for content but otherwise--its quite nice to just choose an app (and I do use lots of apps as sort of workarounds to do lots of work but I'm still happy with apps and not dealing with Windows like organization on the Ipad). I am still a Win7 person on my PC.

Yeah, I thought at first that this limitation would be an issue but it really isn't. I actually like that my iPad just does its thing and I don't have to concern myself with all that stuff. I'm completely used to it now and this is my first apple product owned. I've been a windows guy forever.
I like FileBrowser, not so much for accessing iPad files (which are walled off within each app) but for accessing files on my NAS (file server). It's great for viewing my 80 GB of photos and accessing text and PDF documents. You can generally use "Open In" to import documents into GoodReader (another favourite) etc.

As a general comment, I dislike the walled garden file system of iOS. I just don't see any benefits and it is quite restrictive at times. Many apps can open other app files anyway, so what's the point?
tzimisce said:
I use GoodReader as my workaround file management app. Easy to use, interacts with most other apps I have, syncs to cloud.

Can you use it to upload files to the web??

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.01 Update From NYC using iPF
Hi All,

I'm completely new to this, so please excuse if this is in the wrong place. Basically, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the best solution for accessing files on the iPad without needing an Internet connection (which I understand to be the case with DropBox and similar apps). Does GoodReaderUSB require an Internet connection to access and view files on the iPad once they have been dropped into the relevant folder? -- Apologies in advance if that's a stupid question!
SMH777 said:
Hi All,

I'm completely new to this, so please excuse if this is in the wrong place. Basically, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the best solution for accessing files on the iPad without needing an Internet connection (which I understand to be the case with DropBox and similar apps). Does GoodReaderUSB require an Internet connection to access and view files on the iPad once they have been dropped into the relevant folder? -- Apologies in advance if that's a stupid question!

Dealing with files on an iPad under iOS is very different than done under android or windows. Files tend to live within the workspace of apps rather that in folders that hold files. You are likely to find some frustration along these lines.
Hi All,

I'm completely new to this, so please excuse if this is in the wrong place. Basically, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the best solution for accessing files on the iPad without needing an Internet connection (which I understand to be the case with DropBox and similar apps). Does GoodReaderUSB require an Internet connection to access and view files on the iPad once they have been dropped into the relevant folder? -- Apologies in advance if that's a stupid question!

Hi there,

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is it only an option for something on the ipad, or are you looking to access via PC? something like iFunbox might be an option, or iexplorer or copytrans. I use copy trans a lot as I am one of those who hates the way itunes does things
I understand reading various posts that it's not possible for a file browser to do a full text search like windows explorers for all the files stored as iOS uses stupid sand boxing that prohibits this.
I am looking for a file manager app that supports full intext Search atleast for the files/folders stored in that app itself.
GoodReader is a great file manager. I have a WD MyBook network attached storage device and GoodReader can connect to it and download files that I can edit on the iPad and then upload them back to my WD MyBook. This also works with Dropbox. The thing that is great about the WD MyBook is that it has iPhone/iPad apps that allow you to access your files anywhere you have an Internet connection. When I'm at work I can access my files, music and videos from home on my iDevices.

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