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The Flash Debate

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I forgot the flash web application I use every day - Oracle's Enterprise Manager.
Definitely useless crap. It updates in real-time load and activity in the databases. BTW, it never crashes, it isnt noticably buggy or anything. How can this be?

I forgot the flash web application I use every day - Oracle's Enterprise Manager.
Definitely useless crap. It updates in real-time load and activity in the databases. BTW, it never crashes, it isnt noticably buggy or anything. How can this be?
Yes, of course there are well-written flash apps. Plenty of them. Here is one I like: http://www.poodwaddle.com/worldclock.swf

But regardless, for every person running Oracle Enterprise Manager there are likely 10,000 "running" Farmville. ;)

I forgot the flash web application I use every day - Oracle's Enterprise Manager.
Definitely useless crap. It updates in real-time load and activity in the databases. BTW, it never crashes, it isnt noticably buggy or anything. How can this be?


Just found this image of what I think is your program running on an iPad. Don't know how, don't know details.


Is this the same thing?
I have an app called cloud browse which I think lets you run flash pages but I haven't tried it much to see how it works yet. That oracle program looks pretty good though.

I'm not in support of apple blocking flash though, I think it's probably a business decision on their end more than anything. Maybe flash would make iPad/phones more vulnerable to viruses? Otherwise I don't see good reason to block all their users from flash except their own benefit.
I forgot the flash web application I use every day - Oracle's Enterprise Manager.
Definitely useless crap. It updates in real-time load and activity in the databases. BTW, it never crashes, it isnt noticably buggy or anything. How can this be?


Just found this image of what I think is your program running on an iPad. Don't know how, don't know details.


Is this the same thing?

Thats a different tool - I have heard rumors that Oracle has iPad apps or compatible web version internally, but as far as I know they are not available publically.

Wyse Pocket Cloud has a Thin Browser I use. It brings just IE to your iPad screen from a remote computer adding pinch zoom and touch navigation. That's what I use when I need to access Oracle's stuff. The scrolling and zooming isnt smooth, but its funtional.
I'm not in support of apple blocking flash though, I think it's probably a business decision on their end more than anything. Maybe flash would make iPad/phones more vulnerable to viruses? Otherwise I don't see good reason to block all their users from flash except their own benefit.

Apple's philosophy generally is to not do something unless they can make it idiot proof and have some assurance that no user will every have a bad experience with it. I believe Flash could run on the iPad, but I also believe there are legitamate technical reasons why Apple doesnt want it there. They dont want bad content making their device look bad. I understand that. I dont particularly like it, but thats ok - its their peroggative to make that call.

What I dont like is Apple's campaign to destroy flash because it presents an inconvieneince for them.
I think that I have an answer at least

Reading through the responses, I get the impression that Flash applications often make use of "mouse over" functionality which doesn't work well on a touch device. This is apparently the reason that Apple doesn't want to support it. I don"t know whether this is an issue on Android devices.

I am not really interested in the technicalities, just disappointed that some web sites don't work on the iPad. I didn't expect the iPad to totally replace my PC, but neither did I expect to have to switch back to my PC to access certain web sites.

Also, I am amazed by how heat this subject seems to generate.
Flash doesn't crash my pc.I guess apple products are therefore inferior.
Flash products on iPad are a bit buggy,but only because they are hobbled.

I will readily switch to a non apple tablet should they prove as slick. I would love a webos slate. Far better os.still needs flash as well.
Also, I am amazed by how heat this subject seems to generate.
You ain't seen nuthin'! Go to an amateur radio forum and ask, "What's the big deal over dropping the Morse code requirement to get a license?" All Morse code testing was eliminated on February 23, 2007 and it is still THE most talked about subject on the boards!
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