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The Official I got my iPad 2 Thread!

Android Snob turned Apple fan

Ok.. I admit it. I was an Android Snob. I detested anything with an apple on it. And for a smartphone... I think the Droid X is still about as good as it gets right now. I love the customization of android and so when they announced a tablet I was all over that like white on rice. I couldn't wait. I however wanted to be able to compare it to the ipad/ipad 2. So this past Tuesday I had the opportunity to drive to the apple store an hour away and try out the Xoom at the nearby cellphone store.

So the ipad was nice... smooth, sleek and speedy. I then went to try out the Xoom, and as much as I wanted to LOVE it... I just didn't. It seemed klunky and buggy. My youtube video stopped three times. I did like some of the menu button placement, and the customization options with live widgets and such, but it felt like there was still a lot of kinks that needed to be worked out.

I went back to the apple store and ran the SAME youtube video on the ipad and it was flawless and my mind was made up. It was 1 pm in the afternoon and they had 32gb wifis in stock and stupidly told them I needed to talk to my husband before purchasing. ( I hadn't realized they were still so hard to get ahold of) After talking with him that night I tried to call and then was met with the shortages everywhere. I was kicking myself. Luckily I have a great husband and he used his day off of work to sit at the Apple store first thing and came home with my new little bundle of love... a 32 GB White Ipad 2. I had requested black, and when I told him to go ahead and get it I had every intention of returning it for a Black when I found one, but the white is REALLY growing on me and I think I will keep him!

As long as I have been fighting joining the apple family, I have been really impressed with the service and product. I intend on keeping my Droid X ( I can't part with the big screen and widgets) but I am a PROUD ipad lover!

Rachel Potter

BTW..I also fell in love with the iMac ( photography hobbiest with Photoshop needs) while I was at the Apple Store. Can you say.. as soon as they have a new model?
Hi All

just picked up my IPad 2 from a Comet store today, i ordered it lastweek, and they quoted me 3-4 weeks delivery time, but alas it arrived yesterday, i coudnt believe it arrived so quick, kinda made up for the fact that someone dented my car the same day. anyway i dont know if anyone is still having trouble getting one but check comet as they got mine in stock very quick. and the guy told me that they are getting deliveries every other day or so

Hi i'd like to ask if u have an idea if ipad 2 bought from at&t unlocked and ready to use microsims from other carriers outside US?tnx
Dr potter. The white seems to sell out a lot faster than the black. Not sure why. I think it's cause the iPad 1 was black only.

I think people that buy the whites do it because they want others to know when they see their iPad people automatically know it's an iPad 2. People may not admit to it, but I think it may be subconscious. Lol
Dr potter. The white seems to sell out a lot faster than the black. Not sure why. I think it's cause the iPad 1 was black only.

I think people that buy the whites do it because they want others to know when they see their iPad people automatically know it's an iPad 2. People may not admit to it, but I think it may be subconscious. Lol
I think that may be the case for a lot of people, but I think there is also something special to shiny white gadgets, at least for me. I remember getting my first iPod (with the 4 buttons across the top)...that iconic white beauty! I see the same thing in the iPad and the (still somehow unreleased) white iPhone... the black is very sleek, professional, and more sexy...but the white is just beautiful, and really takes me back.
Dr potter. The white seems to sell out a lot faster than the black. Not sure why. I think it's cause the iPad 1 was black only.

I think people that buy the whites do it because they want others to know when they see their iPad people automatically know it's an iPad 2. People may not admit to it, but I think it may be subconscious. Lol
I think that may be the case for a lot of people, but I think there is also something special to shiny white gadgets, at least for me. I remember getting my first iPod (with the 4 buttons across the top)...that iconic white beauty! I see the same thing in the iPad and the (still somehow unreleased) white iPhone... the black is very sleek, professional, and more sexy...but the white is just beautiful, and really takes me back.

Well... I got the white because its all they had a the time and I am an impatient person! :D But after having a few days, I do really like it more than I thought I would. Its funny because when I was in the store a few days before I got it checking the ipad2 out for the first time... I glanced over at the white and said... uh uh... and kept playing with the black. TO think I almost told my husband to let his ticket go when he went to wait in line for me when he told me they only had white!
11-Days and Counting

This PC Guy greatly appreciates the warm welcome from the iPad community. I hope I can share some of my musical experience via my iPad once it arrives (11-days and counting!).

Hubert - I would be happy to help get you making music. Once I get my iPad. I hope to put some videos together, but until then, 3-chord music is the basis of most blues, country, and rock music. It's typically referred to as a One-Four-Five (I-IV-V) progression. This relates to the note relationships that a lot of music is built on. I'm sure there are plenty of YouTube videos out there about this.

I've watched some demos of GarageBand, and if you use the Smart Guitar or Smart Keyboard, I'm sure you can put something together that can impress your family and friends. Here is a link to a great video tutorial for Garage Band: http://www​.ipadcreat​ive.com/bl​og...-40-minut​e-garageba​nd-tutoria​l-video.ht​ml​.

For example: (I'm not sure if you have any music theory, but I'll start with the basics.) There are 7 repeating natural notes white keys on a keyboard):C-D-E-F-G-A-B. If you start in the key of C (I) and raise it by 3 notes (IV), you get F, then raise one more (V), you get G. So, you can build a song around the chords C, F, and G. If you want to start in the key of A, then I-IV-V transposes to A, D and E. For G, it transposes to G-C-D. In some cases, you have to use flat or sharp notes. For example, For the key of F, the progression is F - B-Flat - C. The key of C is the easiest, because you can create a melody using just the white keys of the keyboard. The whites keys also works with the A-minor chord, but I can talk about that more later.

If you google for "Circle of Fifths", you can get more information about transposing keys including using minors (such as using E-minor with the key of G or an A-minor with the key of C.

I hope this can get you started.

Cheers - TJ
Dr potter. The white seems to sell out a lot faster than the black. Not sure why. I think it's cause the iPad 1 was black only.

I think people that buy the whites do it because they want others to know when they see their iPad people automatically know it's an iPad 2. People may not admit to it, but I think it may be subconscious. Lol

I have a white one because I like the look and I have a white iPhone 3Gs. :D
I stood in line 14 hours on the 25th to get mine. Worth every second.
I just got my white Ipad 2 in the mail today, a week earlier than I expected. I can't put it down, but I have to get work done the rest of the day so that will be tough!

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