We have 5 Apple stores in the Denver area, a few dozen Walmarts, Targets, Best Buys, ATT stores, etc..and last night they were ALL sold out. Bummed, I drove to the one Micro Center store we have that sells Apple products and asked if they had any left by any miracle. "We only had 10 and they all sold yesterday...." was the response. "But, we may get some today and we are selling vouchers if you want one..?" The voucher models were not what I wanted, so I thanked the lady and started to leave. That's when I saw the big brown UPS truck pulling up infront. Curious, I waited as the driver delivered 3 large boxes and they were rushed into the back and furiously given the once over as they were clearly iPads... I walked back to let the sales lady know her order was in, and she said she didn't think any of my type would be there, but she would check. Out she walks with my 64G Black ATT 3G iPad!! She said it was the only one not reserved with a voucher too! I never get this lucky! Looking forward to charging it up and getting going!
Have a fun day everyone.