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The Official I got my iPad 2 Thread!

hello, i have problems staying connected with my wireless 64gb ipad2 - i get about 10 mins of navigation before safari gives me the 'cannot open the page' msg and i have to turn ipad off and back on again to navigate. can any one help? much obliged.
hello, i have problems staying connected with my wireless 64gb ipad2 - i get about 10 mins of navigation before safari gives me the 'cannot open the page' msg and i have to turn ipad off and back on again to navigate. can any one help? much obliged.

It's probably better to post this question in a new thread - it will tend to get 'lost' here. So wander on over to the Help section and post the question there; you'll be sure to get noticed with a new thread and they'll be nearly 100,000 Members waiting to help....

Love the 2

I really loved the first ipad and had a hard time deciding to spend money on the 2 as my ipad was still so good. I gave it to my husband and got the new one. I got the white one. I put splashtop on it and am now controling my laptop with my ipad2 for presentations. It is a blast!:)
I have a hard time putting the ipad2 down. I get my texts on it. Everyone knows to reach me you go through the ipad.
arnold.exclusive said:
Hi, how will I copy a link from one website to another? Thanks :)

If you touch and hold the link you will get the option to copy......then it's just a matter of pasting in the right place.....touch and hold for that option too.

The Archangel
hello, i have problems staying connected with my wireless 64gb ipad2 - i get about 10 mins of navigation before safari gives me the 'cannot open the page' msg and i have to turn ipad off and back on again to navigate. can any one help? much obliged.

When you say 'wireless' do you mean WiFi or 3G?

sputnik00 said:
Been reading the forum for awhile. Am happy to report I picked up a 32GB 3G in black. Love the forum app.

Nice one. That's what I got about 3 weeks ago. Enjoy!!! :)

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Have to say , we're very happy with our 16gb black ipad2, so much more comfortable sittin on sofa surfing the web, messing about with apps, was a load of money, totally unnecessary purchase, but ye can't take your money with ye. If you're thinking of geting one, go for it. Just know what your buying it's not a substitute for a pc/laptop but it sure is useful. So far think my favourite app has got to be Flipboard. Anyway I popped into forum to look for sth else so Im away back to that.
Hello i am new member here just joined today and i also just ordered mine. its black ipad2.... 9.7” LED-backlight display with dual cameras and built-in Wi-Fi iOS 4.3, 1.0 GHz Dual-core A5 chip and 32GB internal flash memory however... i wont have the pleasure of having it in my hands till sometime in oct. i am so anxious! lol October cant come soon enough!

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