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The Official I got my iPad 2 Thread!

I'm highly against having these for high school students. Not only is it hard to keep them off of during class, it's also hard to control what sites they go under. High school students aren't responsible and these iPads are pretty much a distraction to say the least. I am currently a high school student and I admit I don't have the self control to put the thing down and actually do something. Many of the kids are like this and I see smart kids grades dropping and mine are too. Don't spend your money on these and don't do it to save paper. I hate these iPads, a Mac or PC at the computer lab is just fine and just because there are many pros to these thing, I think that the distraction is too great and we need a better way to function. This is just my opinion, I don't like these in class and I wish the school wouldn't have bought them.
RedScorch said:
I'm highly against having these for high school students. Not only is it hard to keep them off of during class, it's also hard to control what sites they go under. High school students aren't responsible and these iPads are pretty much a distraction to say the least. I am currently a high school student and I admit I don't have the self control to put the thing down and actually do something. Many of the kids are like this and I see smart kids grades dropping and mine are too. Don't spend your money on these and don't do it to save paper. I hate these iPads, a Mac or PC at the computer lab is just fine and just because there are many pros to these thing, I think that the distraction is too great and we need a better way to function. This is just my opinion, I don't like these in class and I wish the school wouldn't have bought them.

Uhm, yeah I guess it does depend on the person itself on how to use the iPad. For me I use it to read news, magazines and textbook though. So no problem for me.
Aloha All....finally found this site and joined! Actually got my 4th Apple product & 3rd iDevice 2 weeks ago (ipod 5th gen, macbook, iphone(s) 3,3gs,4, and now iPad 2)...I was gonna keep for myself, but opted to gift to my mom for Mother's Day. She's graciously agreed to let me use it for college or until I can afford another iPad :). I got a refurbished iPad 2 black 16gb wifi...and LOVE IT!!! My mom, who isn't the most tech savvy (most people I know in their mid 60s aren't), can finally do things most of us take for granted, such as...emails, text messages, FACETIME!!!, search and print recipes, etc. She still needs me to walk her through it from time to time, but now SHE'S doing it, instead of asking me to. A laptop for her "might have" been cheaper, and given her more options...but the iPad is so convenient, intuitive, and simple. Plus, I think it's straight SEXY!!!
Ordered the 16GB iPad 2 (Black) from Apple Store. Refurbished so it was $319.99 ($341 with tax)

Really hoping it doesn't take 3-4 weeks to get here. Currently can't access my order status. Keep getting error message "We're Sorry. Something went wrong with your request. Please try again later." Don't know if that's a good sign or not... order placed on the 21st.
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After drooling for one of these iPads since it's inception, finally got one - 16 GB with wifi (black). Have it now for 2 1/2 months. The drooling episodes were legitimate, I love this thing! Aside from the typical uses, it's now my go to ereader too. My Kindles are still nice, but...
I love this thing. I know what people mean when they say its hard to put down....got a bit of a technical jb type issue, see further post..
Just picked up an ipad 2 64gb WiFi w/box, stylus, folding cover, charger and cord for $300. Have not had an Apple product since my iphone 3gs days and liking this pretty well. Plan to JB it and see what all the hype is about.
Got my White Ipad2 16GB Wifi only as a gift. For celebrating 40 years in business, our company gave all of the employees an Ipad2. I've always said I wouldnt fool with Apple products because I had always been a Google/Android kinda person. I am now a changed person. I love this thing and I am looking forward to buying an Iphone when they come out with the 4G version. I cant put my Ipad down.:)
CeCe5702 said:
Got my White Ipad2 16GB Wifi only as a gift. For celebrating 40 years in business, our company gave all of the employees an Ipad2. I've always said I wouldnt fool with Apple products because I had always been a Google/Android kinda person. I am now a changed person. I love this thing and I am looking forward to buying an Iphone when they come out with the 4G version. I cant put my Ipad down.:)

Welcome to the club CeCe...and u have a vast network of experts in this forum if u run I to anything.

Sent from Scooter, my White 32GB iPad, using iPF in Deutschland
Just picked up an ipad 2 64gb WiFi w/box, stylus, folding cover, charger and cord for $300. Have not had an Apple product since my iphone 3gs days and liking this pretty well. Plan to JB it and see what all the hype is about.

Got my White Ipad2 16GB Wifi only as a gift. For celebrating 40 years in business, our company gave all of the employees an Ipad2. I've always said I wouldnt fool with Apple products because I had always been a Google/Android kinda person. I am now a changed person. I love this thing and I am looking forward to buying an Iphone when they come out with the 4G version. I cant put my Ipad down.:)

Both of you... :)

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