I saw a guy with the Pro the other day at Starbucks... I had mine too. But that's the only one I've seen in the wild except for in stores of course. You're right though... I mean compared to all the 9.7 inch iPads I see all over the place it's rare to see the Pro.
As for battery, I'm pretty satisfied with the battery life I've been getting. Lasts me about 3-5 days of light usage or about two days of heavy use. My idea of heavy use may be different than others though.
Hi Metalcyclone-here in Michigan the only Pros I have seen is at the Apple Store. I work for a hospital and often times see patients carrying in their tablets or iPads, but not yet the Pros. In time, I am sure that will change.
One thing that has surprised me is the number of our elder population (65-70 yoa) wearing an Apple Watch! Thought that was pretty cool!