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The Official Ipad 3 Accessories Thread

A forum member here has the Jambox and is very pleased with it. I'm looking into the Jambox myself, and have played around with the demo model at Best Buy. The sound really IS amazing for such a small speaker box. Bass is full and treble is crisp. And the volume can get surprisingly loud. It's a well made, classy looking device. It's rubber coated with a distinct grill on the front. Seemed durable, highly portable, and the battery holds a charge up to 8 hours with constant use. It could also be used as a speakerphone device (a high quality one at that). As far as ease of use, it has a simple interface with only 3 buttons on top.

Drawbacks I can think of:

Bluetooth in general is not the most reliable connectivity method. Reviews online stated no problems losing connectivity (Jawbone says good up to 33 feet), but had some minor issues when it came to pairing different devices which were resolved with re-pairing.

Low quality audio sources (low bitrate music) sound worse on the Jambox, but conversely, high quality music sounds just as good as the bigger speakers.

$199 price tag. It's a premium item for that price, but looks like Jawbone hasn't cut any corners in terms of quality. I'm trying to decide if I should plunk down my money for this or a heavy duty case and a BT keyboard + apps...

I've been looking at these also. I think that I would prefer a unit with AA batteries instead of an internal one.

It's hard to know what to get without actually hearing them.

Please keep the opinions coming regarding speakers!

Keep the accessories coming! Any new cases or things you want to share; don't hesitate to do so :)

Well.. the new Yoobao Excecutive Leather Folio case I ordered yesterday morning from a seller on Ebay arrived today, and what a superb case it is.

The Yoobao case is proper soft genuine leather, infact they even supply a small leather sample in the box, it smells the real thing too. I've already bought a few folio case both for our iPad 1 and 2 so far for my new iPad 3, so what makes this case dfferent from the others.

Well the quality of the leather and stitching is very good quality indeed, I like folio type cases because they tend to give decent protection, but they can be a little bulky, I have a couple of Belkin cases like that. This case does not add much bulk to the iPad 3 at all, I also like the fact the front and back are stitched right along the edge all the way round which serves as a buffer in the event the iPad ever got dropped. Therefore the whole of the iPad is covered except for the area where the access cutouts are, meaning all of iPads vulerable edge is covered completely. The cutouts are accurately done too, with all of them smack on in the right places.. the actual back has been slightly stretched during it's manufacture so the case follows the iPads contours perfectly.

There are a few Ebay sellers still selling the iPad 2 version of this case, so beware, and make sure if you want this case to work with the iPad 3, that the seller is indeed selling the latest iPad 3 version. The seller I ordered off confirmed it was the lastest version, as he stated in his listing, and I can confirm that the auto sleep function works every time.. no probs at all. Price BTW was £29.99 inc free 1st class delivery. I received mine next day.

The stand when the case is folded is pretty stable too, so the fact it's well made, good quality real leather, which offers good protection without adding much bulk really ticks all the boxes for me. So much so, I'm going to see if they do one similiar for my wifes iPad 1.

So as you may have gathered.. for once..I'm actually very pleased with a purchase from Ebay, though I believe these cases are sold at retail outlets too.
Pics below don't do the case justice...


  • case1.webp
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It looks very nice. Reminds me of the Bear Motion case. I would order one but it is rather pricey.
It looks very nice. Reminds me of the Bear Motion case. I would order one but it is rather pricey.

I nearly bought a Bear Motion case myself. Most of the cases here in the UK tend to be around £34, with the genuine Apple smart cases which offer little protection costing £50 and above.. silly prices. Certainly most of the Belkin one's start at about £34 in stores and though not bad they can be a little bulky unless you opt for their slim models, and very few of them are genuine leather.
It seem that here in the UK anyway.. one can discribe something as being genuine leather as long as it has one tiny bit of real leather somewhere, or it contains a tiny percentage of leather.. which is mis-leading IMO.

One of the problems I've found having bought quite a few, you can't tell what their really like until you actually see one. I left a seller on Ebay a negative last week, because the cheap so called genuine leather case he was selling for £10 turned out to be a type of sprayed on black plastic film on top of cardboard, it really was utter rubbish. I can't sell it on as I would'nt like someone to do it to me, I've wrote it off. I suppose I could have put a Paypal claim in, & returned it.. but just not worth the hasstle. It was the 1st negative I've ever left anyone.. though the sellers attitude had much to be desired. :-(

I think everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to cases like everything else, it would be sad if we were all the same..lol but I think when one spends £659 on a iPad 3 it justifies spending a little on the case.

Occasionally Play.com have some superb deals with free delivery when they are clearing stock, I bought 2 Cygnett iPad 1 folio cases from them recently for the wifes iPad.. superb value, @ £3 each, just because it was such a good deal (I didn't even need them..lol) so total cost inc delivery £6, BTW they normally retail for £34, so a excellent deal.. sadly no such deals on iPad 3 cases as yet..lol
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Thanks for the pics lunar! Looks like a solid case from the looks for it :)

I did however saw the pictures on amazon from someone. I question the quality of the leather material. Check out the pictures that have notes on them

link to amazon

Got to pay to play if you want to go with eBay :( that's always a risk when it comes to generic cases.

I was looking at yoobao's website. They got some nice stuff. I'll get them added later on today!
Thanks for the pics lunar! Looks like a solid case from the looks for it :)

I did however saw the pictures on amazon from someone. I question the quality of the leather material. Check out the pictures that have notes on them

link to amazon

Got to pay to play if you want to go with eBay :( that's always a risk when it comes to generic cases.

I was looking at yoobao's website. They got some nice stuff. I'll get them added later on today!

I actually did see the comment on Amazon, and the pics that were posted, showing the peeling back.. TBH I just cannot see how that would happen. So I looked again closely, and thankfully it's not same Yoobao case, the case shown is on a iPad 1 and the sides are open, unlike this one which is totally closed around the edge.. I can't see how it can peel back as it's stitched all the way round where the one in the pics that show that peeling is not.. that one's more like the Belkin style folio case with partly open sides.
It looks much thicker and heavier too, I don't think they would be able to stretch this to shape at the edges if it were not leather... this is soft and supple to the feel, similiar to the thin leather tongue on a pair of shoes or a decent leather jacket.

Sadly many products are discribed as being genuine leather but are not, they probably only contain a tiny percentage of leather somewhere, and I suspect on some cases Yoobao are no different to others.. though to my amateur smell and touch it does feel the genuine artical... time will tell..lol

I've since tried to peel the sample leather piece they include in the box. and it just isn't going to happen. the Leather hide is too thin to peel. The case which weve both seen on Amazon is likely another Yoobao case which like many others probably does have cardboard behind it's facade..lol.. not good though..:-( reminds me of a crap one I bought last week which turned out to be black plastic sprayed cardboard. :-( It was so bad I left my first ever negative to the seller. £10 down the drain... not much money but still wasted. :-(

I do however suspect the front stiff cover is a leather covering with a stiffener inside like other cases, (possibly cardboard or thin plastic) as leather on it's own just would'nt be stiff enough.

Ironically, I actually first saw that on Amazon last week during a Google search, but my eldest son was showing off his own iPad3 to me the weekend which had this same Yoobao case fitted, which he had bought from PC World I think for more money, and I mentioned the same thing to him re. the Amazon comment, but after examining the case closely for myself I decided to take a gamble.... I'll let you know in 6 months, if it hasn't fell apart laughing..lol
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Link to my Targus Z-case thread (photos)

Everything is explained there. But just the gist.. I wanted something that I can use with my smart cover and belkin snap shield. Z-case is designed for the 1 dimensions so it works perfectly.

Targus Z-case was already added to the list. I did buy it from tjmax as well for $12.
Added Yoobao cases for the 3. Been having some trouble trying to find a legit authorized dealer for them. Not eBay. There's only some cases on amazon. I'm not sure if the other 2 cases are even out yet. I could be wrong.

If anyone knows, let me know with the link :) I'll edit it then.
As this thread is our Go To Thread for all accessories It has now become a Sticky in our iPad Accessories Forum

Well done Exile!!
Added a whole bunch of new accessories

Broke up the Other Accessories section to subsections of - screen protectors, speakers and stylus

I added most of the popular/common branded items

Also linked a couple products to reviews done by members here.

Keep the accessories coming!!! :)
Has anyone found/bought a good quality vehicle mount for their iPad?

I located this headrest mount on the OutfitYours.com website.

I noticed Best Buy offers a few brands also, but the customer reviews on the BB site seem to be a bit on the negative side, mentioning more cons than pros.

Would be nice to find one that possibly adjusts to fit securely around iPad cases, such as a Survivor case.
Maybe contacting Griffin company directly could lead to a good solution.
Will try and email them. And follow-up here, but am very interested to hear from you guys if you have purchased this type of item and your opinion on it.

Besides the headrest mount, what about a device mount for the front of the vehicle so that the driver can take advantage of using a GPS iPad app?

As always, thank you guys, in advance, for your feedback!


Added Note: I continued doing research on IPad mounts after submitting above post and came across products from a company called RAM.
Seems this is more along the direct lines of the type of mount I was searching for- at least as far as the FRONT seat portion of the vehicle is concerned.

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