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The Official Ipad 3 Accessories Thread

Is there a decent sounding bluetooth speaker dock for the new iPad?

Due to the difference in the battery from the iPad 2, I'm wondering if an iPad 2 dock will be able to charge the new iPad adequately.

I also would like to know about speakers without a docking station. What do y'all have?

Is there a decent sounding bluetooth speaker dock for the new iPad?

Due to the difference in the battery from the iPad 2, I'm wondering if an iPad 2 dock will be able to charge the new iPad adequately.

I also would like to know about speakers without a docking station. What do y'all have?


I use a Logitech iPad stand which was designed for the iPad1 and iPad2 and that works fine with the iPad 3, charges the iPad 3 at about the same rate as the original charger, infact I thought it charged a touch faster, and of course it keeps it charged during iPad use, It gives you a more fuller stereo sound due to it's built-in amplifier and speakers, quite neatly designed too, some are downright ugly, but the size of this one looks about right to me. I used it for several months on our iPad 1 without any problems at all, and AIS it works fine with the iPad 3 too. It clicks into place either in portrait or landscape mode, and of course you can set it to the optimum angle for viewing.

There are 2 soft rubber molded bands/pieces which just push over to take up the difference in size between the iPad 1 & iPad 2, and fit the 3 too, they also serve to protect the iPads edge and front edge well too.

Think I paid £39.99 from PC World, TBH, today was the first time I've ever felt any warmness on the rear of the case, though it has been charging from 15% and it's now 89% and has been in use in the stand for a few hours. I can just about feel it on the back of my hand on the connector end of the iPad3 just a couple of inches in from the left edge, so I assume this where the main voltage regulator is located and probably using the rear case as the heatsink. the warmth is just about detectable on my hand, and only seems noticable while using the iPad and charging at the same time.. so quite normal, and certainly no heating issues like a few others have reported.

In normal use, when not charging the rear case is cool all over, though my brightness is generally set around 40/45%, which is plenty for inside our home.


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AlexisW said:
Thank you Paul!

Do you have these?

I'm interested in getting feedback on sound, ease of use, etc.

I would love to see a new thread just on this topic. I'm ready for sounds and things have and are constantly changing.

I used to be all thumbs now I'm all gums I love dictating my posts!
Nice rig next to the stand :D


My PC is my main toy, I'm a pensioner now, so am fortunate in having a dedicated computer room/study. I've been involved with computers since 1982/83 and still do a little programming. I'm currently endevouring to get into iOS, having bought Apple's commercial iOS SDK toolkit. I've almost knackered my iPad1 a few times due to bugs in my own app.. all part of the learning process..lol. For anyone interested in having a go at their own apps, there is also a free iOS SDK toolkit available too.

I spend a small fortune on my PC's especially so my current one. It's based around a Gigabyte Z68-UD3P board, i7 2600 cpu, running at 4.8Ghz, 16gb mem, a 590gtx graphics card, plus 2 pricey SSD 120gb drives raided for the boot drive, and a 2TB WD Black series data drive, + a Corsair HX1000watt P/supply to keep it all running sweetly. It also has 2 CD burners plus 1 Blu-ray burner, though these are pretty cheap these days.

You have to have your toys, even when you get older..lol.. infact your more likely able to afford them more when your older..;-) I blame it on a deprived childhood..lol
My wife's very much into her electronic toys too... so she doesn't mind...infact she's the recipient of my iPad1 64/3g so she's well pleased. :-) One must keep the wife happy...lol. Wer'e both in our late sixties, but we each have a PS3, and both of us are members of online gaming communities, AIS your never too old to have fun. :-)
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Man... And I'm only 24... Got a long way... Hmm.. in 40 years...

Keep the accessories coming! Any new cases or things you want to share; don't hesitate to do so :)
PaulCarleton said:

A forum member here has the Jambox and is very pleased with it. I'm looking into the Jambox myself, and have played around with the demo model at Best Buy. The sound really IS amazing for such a small speaker box. Bass is full and treble is crisp. And the volume can get surprisingly loud. It's a well made, classy looking device. It's rubber coated with a distinct grill on the front. Seemed durable, highly portable, and the battery holds a charge up to 8 hours with constant use. It could also be used as a speakerphone device (a high quality one at that). As far as ease of use, it has a simple interface with only 3 buttons on top.

Drawbacks I can think of:

Bluetooth in general is not the most reliable connectivity method. Reviews online stated no problems losing connectivity (Jawbone says good up to 33 feet), but had some minor issues when it came to pairing different devices which were resolved with re-pairing.

Low quality audio sources (low bitrate music) sound worse on the Jambox, but conversely, high quality music sounds just as good as the bigger speakers.

$199 price tag. It's a premium item for that price, but looks like Jawbone hasn't cut any corners in terms of quality. I'm trying to decide if I should plunk down my money for this or a heavy duty case and a BT keyboard + apps...
Added Tucano products.

The Vedo and Magico cases have a magnet on the back. So if you're sick of waiting for the Belkin snap shield secure to be released... Its a good alternative. Vedo is TPU and Magico is the hard plastic version like the Belkin.

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