iPF Novice
Hasty said:The price of fame is stalkers..........but the chicks are free!
<Freebird was the anthem of our youth>

Hasty said:The price of fame is stalkers..........but the chicks are free!
<Freebird was the anthem of our youth>
freebirdforever said:Why is it that every article I post is hailed as me being an android hater? Frankly, im getting sick of this. I feel as if I should stop posting simply because I am attacked everytime I do by certain members of this forum.
I HAVE an android phone. I sell them all day. I have NO issue with the OS. what I DO have issues with is people constantly comparing ios to android. It's like comparing apples and oranges. The reason I posted that article was so people could get some insight.
Enough is enough. Seriously.
Why is it that every article I post is hailed as me being an android hater? Frankly, im getting sick of this. I feel as if I should stop posting simply because I am attacked everytime I do by certain members of this forum.
I have NO issue with the OS. what I DO have issues with is people constantly comparing ios to android. It's like comparing apples and oranges. The reason I posted that article was so people could get some insight.
Enough is enough. Seriously.
Why is it that every article I post is hailed as me being an android hater? Frankly, im getting sick of this. I feel as if I should stop posting simply because I am attacked everytime I do by certain members of this forum.
I HAVE an android phone. I sell them all day. I have NO issue with the OS. what I DO have issues with is people constantly comparing ios to android. It's like comparing apples and oranges. The reason I posted that article was so people could get some insight.
Enough is enough. Seriously.
Yes, the article is critical of Android. But when you see what is happening in sales of tablets, it is apparent that Google needs to rethink it's basic plan. Design one OS that fits all devices, and limit the issues that are created with manufacturers customizing. Create a standard method of certifying apps, and have all the app retailers subscribe to the certification. People can take on risky apps if they want, but their chance of suing the major players will die if they have any un-certified apps loaded. Most people will welcome a risk free app program.
The OS can be flexible in that they can have modules that do higher functions. For example, make Flash compatibility a module that requires manufacturers to meet certain performance minimums. Then buyers will not be upset when their $200 tablet cannot do everything a $600 tablet can.
It is one thing to attack Android to be negative, but if we attack it, we should also present what alternatives should be considered. It is like those who attack the iPad for no flash or USB port. Since it will never happen, what purpose is there in bringing it up ad naseum?
Imagine iOS in a Panasonic phone and you've got Android inside Moto. Moto,crap and junk all are 4 letter words that mean the same thing to me.
Apple has that advantage over all other OSs , quality control from top to bottom. If it sucks ( like non dried glue in iPad2s) only Apple is to blame and only Apple needs to be contacted to get it fixed.
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Mountainbikermark said:I wasn't aware of that,thought only Moto,not Android, did that
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Naw. Samsung does it too. And the nexus s bootloader is locked too.
Why every time there is an article attacking Android do I not even need to look at the username of the OP to know who it is?. Yea, the Nexus S bootloader is "locked" alright. Here is how to unlock it:
Unlock Bootloader:
1. Open command prompt
2. Type 'adb reboot bootloader'
3. Type 'fastboot oem unlock'
4. Use volume keys to select 'yes, unlock bootloader'
5. Use power button to select option
6. Done!
Its made to be unlocked. And just to clarify, "they" as in Google, do not lock ANY bootloaders. That is the OEM's that do that, which is fully within their rights. If you built a phone and installed Android on it, there is zero need for a locked bootloader. Android itself IS an open platform. What OEM's and Carriers do with the OS after Google releases the SDK is beyond Google's control. They are not Apple. They don't want to have control from the top down. They produce an OS and then everyone is free to do whatever they want with it. So the fact that a device (nook color) that was released with Android 2.1 can have Android 3.0 loaded onto it by a few 16 year olds who tinker with the code tells me its a fairly open OS.
If you want to quibble about the definition of "open" as the author of this seems to want to do, fine. This all stems from them not releasing Honeycomb's source yet, even though the Xoom is being sold. The reason they aren't releasing the code is because it was obviously rushed to get that pile of garbage on the market, and you don't build upon garbage code. They are fixing it before they release it, which is the right move.