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The Word Assosiation Game :D


iPF Noob
Ok So first off, I don't think anyone has done this yet because I just searched it and nothing came up which is Good :D This is a really fun game and it can keep going for ages and ages!

• I will start with a word, then you will carry on with 1 other word then another person will do the same and it will carry on going.
• Try and use words that connect to each other.
• When you write down remember to write what the other person wrote as well.
• Try and let your imagination go Crazy!

Here's something like it:

Person 1- Jasper
Person 2- Jasper got
Person 3- Jasper got many
Person 4- Jasper got many fake
Person 5- Jasper got many fake girlfriends


So the first word is - Buildings
Um.. Y'all know you have the rules wrong? Y'all play it like this:
-The first person choose a word like food
-The the next would say the next word that pops into the head that is 'associated' with them word before,
Thats why it's call word 'association' Game :/

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