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Thinking about buying an Ipad....why do I/don't I need a USB port???

The more things you carry with your iPad, the less mobile it becomes. You can get a keyboard that works with it, and USB port devices. When I first got my iPad, I started carrying all sorts of items with it in a bag. Then I got a cover with storage. Now I am just carrying the iPad alone with a protective cover. The whole purpose of the device is to get away from the tons of gadgets that we use with our computers. There are plenty of netbooks and the MacBook Air to meet the demand for a full computer. The iPad is a wonderful device, but it is limited in function by design. The more that is added does nothing for the device.
The more things you carry with your iPad, the less mobile it becomes. You can get a keyboard that works with it, and USB port devices. When I first got my iPad, I started carrying all sorts of items with it in a bag. Then I got a cover with storage. Now I am just carrying the iPad alone with a protective cover. The whole purpose of the device is to get away from the tons of gadgets that we use with our computers. There are plenty of netbooks and the MacBook Air to meet the demand for a full computer. The iPad is a wonderful device, but it is limited in function by design. The more that is added does nothing for the device.

Fair point but I don't really see plugging a USB stick into the Ipad as adding too much bulk or a ton of gadgets to the device. Heck, I carry one on my keychain all the time as it is. I think such functionality would add a huge amount to the device. I know it is pointless to debate, we will most likely never get it anyhow. I just think it would be nice to be able to grab a pdf or perhaps a few pictures from someone easily without having to find a laptop first.
I'd like to be able to load my iPod nano directly from the iPad (songs I've purchased while browsing at home) w/o having to drag them both over to the laptop (which I usually leave at work). I could then play my new tunes in the car on the way there:)
I'd like to be able to load my iPod nano directly from the iPad (songs I've purchased while browsing at home) w/o having to drag them both over to the laptop (which I usually leave at work). I could then play my new tunes in the car on the way there:)

And not use Itunes? What kind of blasphemy is this?? :D
The iPad was never intended to be a laptop. If that's what you are after buy one.

Snide or nasty comments to the concerns that people have are not helpful nor polite. I have two laptops and a desktop. The hype I read before the ipad was released suggested the ipad would be abe to replace these devices and make things so much easier and intuitive to boot. And others were under the same impression. In fact there are multiple lamentations on this site alone about the lack of full function productivity tools (suites) for the ipad. From the comments I've read, many of us non-target customers have been under the same illusion that I've been. In my case, I wanted something that was production capable while being extremely portable and highly intuitive. My use of a USB port would primarily be to dump production files in order to free up the internal memory while on a shoot. I can do that with a single CF card, provided the reader can be connected to the ipad. The USB would be unnecessary if there were stand alone wifi or bluetooth storage devices that could be accessed by the ipad. As for cloud storage, it costs money and why would I want to spend money for nonlocal storage when I've got the devices I need for local storage? Like someone else mentioned, carrying some type of fash storage is not that much extra. After all many of us already use a bluetooth keyboard and take our ac adapter/charger with us anyway. One of the reasons that Apple lost marketshare to those machines that run under Microsoft was the intentinal limitations they put on their products while the competition incorporated open and general purpose connectivity. To me that seems like a lack of foresight.
In my case, I wanted something that was production capable while being extremely portable and highly intuitive. My use of a USB port would primarily be to dump production files in order to free up the internal memory while on a shoot. I can do that with a single CF card, provided the reader can be connected to the ipad. The USB would be unnecessary if there were stand alone wifi or bluetooth storage devices that could be accessed by the ipad.

If you're looking to dump image files, there are solutions. You could get a wi-fi card that will transmit image directly to the iPad, or you could get the Camera Connection Kit, which was made to dump images from a camera.

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