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No usb ports in ipad

I think apple is about changing the direction of the industry NOT going with the direction. Wires are messy and annoying, I'd rather see more over wireless technology any way. Storage over the cloud and local peripherals are bluetooth.

The only thing that wires are for are major file transfers and power, becasue I think wireless power is called lightning.

That's my take on it. Apple is changing the industry and I think it's positive. Do you still need a laptop or other computer? Yes.

So there we are.
I still have issues with Cloud filing. I'd hate to have to find my boxer shorts in my neighbor's dresser.

Just picture their faces at 4:30 when I get in their house...
iVan, I TOTALLY understand. And those things ARE going to happen. As time goes on I think were, individuals, going to have to get better with file management, isolating sensitive things from non sensitive, and file management.

But, cloud just IS where the industry is going!


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