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This is too funny - CNN says Android sucks in the real world

Freakin Funny: Droids Randomly Deleting All Their Text Messages

Gotta say. I've had an iPhone and still have an iPod touch but my droid works great. Love it more then I did my iPhone. So not everyone shares that opinion.

Just glad we have competition in the market.
Droids Randomly Deleting All Their Text Messages

Apple has got to love that competition! I think the pain of that alternative phone is hilarious.

This is another report today on the companion site to Consumer Reports

Buncha Peoples' Droids Randomly Deleting All Their Text Messages

from Consumerist by Ben Popken

Maybe they are sentient after all, just like the commercials suggest, and they've decided it's time for you to move on. A slew of Droid owners are reporting that their cellphones will sometimes randomly delete all of their text messages. That's every picture of your baby your wife sent you, every hilarious exchange between you and your best friend, and every must-have address you've got stored as a text message.
Issue 5669, a Google Code forum thread devoted to the subject, has over 337 comments on the topic, and has been starred by over 230 people. Based on the comments, a number of people have had all their texts deleted more than once. No solutions seem to be forthcoming, and the issue has been going on since at least December, 2009.
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I don't care what any of them say. You can have my droid when you pry it from my cold dead hands. Even if there were a Verizon iPhone, I wouldn't trade my Droid for it. It has never given me any problems. In the 6 months I've had it, it has frozen a total of three times. Not a bad track record compared to most other smartphones.

And no, it doesn't delete my text messages randomly and never has.

Android has some issues, and it may never be as fluid as Apple's ecosystem (hint: it was never meant to be) but to call it "a world of hurt" is quite ignorant.
what i really like about the my old apple iphone is simple for me to get the turn by turn driveing gps directions when i need that really what i use my phone for the most for anyway.. along with a few pictures here and there of people and places here and there ..then i upload the pictures to my desktop for keeping in files of the pictures i have taken over the year.. ..
what i really like about the my old apple iphone is simple for me to get the turn by turn driveing gps directions when i need that really what i use my phone for the most for anyway.. along with a few pictures here and there of people and places here and there ..then i upload the pictures to my desktop for keeping in files of the pictures i have taken over the year.. ..

Droid actually does all that better.
What too many have not figured out is why Apple is so controlling. This is a prime reason. It may be fustrating, but the limits of devices have to be respected. Other manufacturers can allow all the apps they want, but Apple is king because they make sure the experience is consistent.

Good point Apple seems to have a respect for the End User, and their experience. A "Blue Lego" is a reflection on the content provider, a "Flash Crash" would reflect on the device.
I'm on the edge of pre-ordering the new HTC Incredible. The phone has awesome specs, and will allow me to tether the ipad. :)
its very important to have a competition.. other may say that this particular product is good while other is not good...... check and balance
Sorry, but Android is a very viable solution to mobile phones. I love my iPad but I don't have blinders on...Android works well.
Ok, I just discovered this old post, and I must say that after just four months it is downright funny how far off the mark that article was.

4.3" (HTC, Motorola, and Samsung) and 5" (Dell) Android phones have made those phones considerably easier to read and use than iPhone/iPod devices.

Google has proved that not only does it watch the Android market for potentially harmful apps, but is also willing to pull the trigger when something slips through. Not only that, but now it has been seen that Apple is the one that had the biggest security leak this year, exposing thousands of iPad owners accounts.

And in the interim since the article was written, Android sales have leapt by nearly quadruple those original numbers (over 200,000 Android activations a day.)

Sorry, love my iPad and old iPod touch, but that article is just too funny after just a few months. Shows why it is dangerous for a journalist to get terribly extreme in their pronouncements.

Fortunately for all of us, the competition has heated up and is about to get really steamy.

With Microsoft about to drop nearly a Billion $US on marketing for their new mobile OS, major manufacturers lining up Android tablets, and the biggest tech manufacturer preparing a major new OS upgrade for its own tablet the future looks very good for consumers.
Ok, I just discovered this old post, and I must say that after just four months it is downright funny how far off the mark that article was.

4.3" (HTC, Motorola, and Samsung) and 5" (Dell) Android phones have made those phones considerably easier to read and use than iPhone/iPod devices.

Google has proved that not only does it watch the Android market for potentially harmful apps, but is also willing to pull the trigger when something slips through. Not only that, but now it has been seen that Apple is the one that had the biggest security leak this year, exposing thousands of iPad owners accounts.

And in the interim since the article was written, Android sales have leapt by nearly quadruple those original numbers (over 200,000 Android activations a day.)

Sorry, love my iPad and old iPod touch, but that article is just too funny after just a few months. Shows why it is dangerous for a journalist to get terribly extreme in their pronouncements.

Fortunately for all of us, the competition has heated up and is about to get really steamy.

With Microsoft about to drop nearly a Billion $US on marketing for their new mobile OS, major manufacturers lining up Android tablets, and the biggest tech manufacturer preparing a major new OS upgrade for its own tablet the future looks very good for consumers.

Well 90% of the android market is still spam and trash....so they're not doing a great job of monitoring it.

The new windows mobile os however looks like it might have some major potential!
I have an android phone and I'm very satisfied with it... :)

and I've seen many iphone users changing to android due to itunes restriction to sync, can't connect it to computers friend's etc.

I'm a fan of apple products, but when it comes to phones I prefer android :)

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