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Tim Cook Says That he Wouldn't Be in Mark Zuckerberg's Situation


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Tim Cook says that he wouldn't be in Mark Zuckerberg's situation.webp

MacRumors reports that Apple CEO Tim Cook has today told Recode’s Kara Swisher that “I wouldn’t be in this situation” when he was asked what he would do if he were Mark Zuckerberg at the moment.

During the interview, which took place at the Lane Tech College Prep High School where Apple held its education even yesterday, Cook emphasised how much Apple values personal privacy, stating that Facebook should have regulated itself in order to avoid the current data protection storm that it has found itself in the middle of.

“It’s clear to me that something, some large profound change is needed… I’m personally not a big fan of regulation because sometimes regulation can have unexpected consequences to it, however I think this certain situation is so dire and has become so large, that probably some well-crafted regulation is necessary.”

Cook was speaking to Swisher and MSNBC’s Chris Hayes during an interview that covered many topics, including privacy, DACA, and education, and took the opportunity to emphatically state Apple’s philosophy on personal privacy, which he says is a “human right, a civil liberty.” He also expressed his disdain for selling customer data.

“We could make a ton of money if we monetized our customers. If our customers were our product. We’ve elected not to do that… We’re not going to traffic in your personal life.”

Image: Recode

Source: Tim Cook on What He Would Do in Mark Zuckerberg's Shoes: 'I Wouldn't Be in This Situation'

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