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TIPS AND TRICKS - for those of us who don't know!

Help! This doesnt work!

How come when i press the home key twice all i get is a keypad that pops up? How do i access this tool bar everyone is talking about? I have the first gen iPad.
Ok, well now i am outted..u will see i ahve no clue what i am doing..learning tho! I have NO IDEA what OS this has...yikes.....how do i tell that? Sorry..baby steps here!
violingal said:
Ok, well now i am outted..u will see i ahve no clue what i am doing..learning tho! I have NO IDEA what OS this has...yikes.....how do i tell that? Sorry..baby steps here!

go to iPad Settings > General > About and tell us what the Version box says about halfway down the panel.
violingal said:
How come when i press the home key twice all i get is a keypad that pops up? How do i access this tool bar everyone is talking about? I have the first gen iPad.

I've had this happen when I was on my first page and I double pressed the home button either too quickly or too slowly. (I don't remember which) I can also get the search keypad if my finger slides when I'm tapping an icon.
Too slowly will take you to the spotlight search, although from other posts it seems the user may still be on 3.x firmware which has no multitasking.
Want hold image from rotating
Welcome to IPF, Vernon :). There's a small button next to the volume control. Just slide it and it will lock the screen rotation.


Er, guys: this thread is for passing on tips, not for asking questions and getting answers. If you have a question, please look in the Help section and you'll probably find it has already been answered. If you can't find an existing thread on the topic, by all means start a new one.
DM51 said:
Welcome to IPF, Vernon :). There's a small button next to the volume control. Just slide it and it will lock the screen rotation.

or it will mute the iPad depending on how you have it set up....... Settings >> General >> Use slide switch to

The Archangel
Thanks, Gabriel
Gabriel1 said:
or it will mute the iPad depending on how you have it set up....... Settings >> General >> Use slide switch to

The Archangel

If you hit the home button twice to get multitasking and swipe to the right instead of the left, you'll get the option to mute or lock orientation based on which one you have the slider button set to. It'll give you the opposite option from what the slider button is set to. So if you have your button set to mute, if you double click, it'll give you the option to lock orientation and vice versa. It's nice because you don't have to go into settings to get the opposite function, you don't even have to leave the app you're in!
I'm new to my iPad...does anyone know how to rank your music similar to iTunes on a PC/Mac vs having to click into the song and add a star like on an iPhone? In iTunes on a Mac or a PC I can rank my music from my listing and I am hoping there is a way to do this on my iPad too!
Too slowly will take you to the spotlight search, although from other posts it seems the user may still be on 3.x firmware which has no multitasking.

Another way to think of it is that there is a progression of places for a single-tap to take you.

If you're in an app, it'll close the app (duh), and bring you to whichever launcher page you were last on.

From page N, a single tap will bring you to page 1.

From page 1, another single tap will bring you to page "zero", the search page. Keep single-tapping, and you'll bounce between those two pages.

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