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To All Those Accusing Me Of Being A Troll, And Future Ipad!

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The iPad is not meant to be your ultimate library of a million songs/movies/etc. It's meant to be a portable unit where you use your laptop/desktop as your home base and switch out stuff.

People don't want to pay thousands for a 3TB solid state drive, thinner than now size, replaceable battery device. That's for a smaller niche market...perhaps you are one of them. The majority (like the 3 million people who have an iPad now) are not. They wanted a somewhat affordable portable device that is bigger than a Smartphone, but smaller than a laptop...with similar functionality to a laptop.

Of course, more space would be better, but the presence of cloud storage and streaming media requires less local storage needs. Companies with deep pockets are willing to provide that for us for free or for minimal fees.

Oh and Apple doesn't make drives. They buy them from other companies. And I believe the biggest solid state drive that exists is only 1TB and that is probably used in only industry or research because they are prohibitively expensive. Those companies/researchers have a long way to go before being able to provide larger solid state drives that are affordable...let alone affordable to Apple who is way down on the food chain.
Seeing how apple owns the "iSlate" trademark I am under the impression that it will become the iPad's big brother with much more power that will allow it to run a scaled down version of OS X instead of a smartphone OS.

We should get more RAM and Storage as SSD technology drops as well.
U fanboys crack me up, I criticize the iPad a lil and I'm attacked and accused of being a troll..

So if you can criticize the iPad and not be a troll, how come we can't like the iPad and not be fanboys? Trolls always set this double-standard. And if you don't want to be considered a troll, how about posting something other than criticisms? Trolls are infamous for not changing their minds and not changing the subject, and you don't seem to have anything else to say.

I won't address your suggested improvements to the iPad, as they're nonsense.
Well, hopefully in the future they will make diff. Versions, like you pay more you get bigger storage , longer battery life. I'd pay more for an ipad that has a battery that last 40 hours , then no need for it to be removable..

They should have like 500 dollar version, like they do now, but they should also have 3000 dollar versions that have massive storage and longer battery life, I know a lot of ppl that would pay more for a better iPad..

Trust me , apple has just scratched the surface with the iPad, 5 years you will laugh at the tech specs of the iPad today..

I seen the future...
Any grammar or English lessons in the future for you, Nostradamus?
I have a Toughbook on my desk right now. We bought it a year ago, and can't get anyone to use it.

The iPad has everything it needs for business right now: VPN, 3G/WiFi, and a Windows compatible Remote Desktop client.

Build your line of business apps as web apps using HTML and go big!
Accusing us as just fanboys, while you attack the iPad for not meeting unrealistic requirements, is the actions of a fool. You cannot have a thinner, lighter iPad, yet have it match a tough book durability. For many years, it will be impossible to expect any where near a TB capacity from a SSD. I would suspect that we will see a completely difference design of storage system before we see TB SSDs in computers. Apple is getting away from replacable batteries in laptops, so no they will not go there. And for good reasons. Without the restrictions of form that removal batteries have, a larger battery can occupy the same space. As for operating systems, Apple allows the Microsoft and Linux system to exist concurrently with their system. That is unique among operating systems.
Im not attacking ipad, i just said those things would be nice to have..

look, ipad is great, but there is nothing wrong with throwing some ideas out there that may make it better..

dont defend it so much and attack me cuz im being creative and saying this or that may make it better in the future..

i believe if Apple had a ipad out tomm. and the specs would be...

40 hour battery

4 TB storage

solar powered (in addition to battery)


thinner, lighter

as durable as a toughbook

will make french toast, lol

well, im sure ppl would pay up to 3000 to 4000 dollars for that ipad..

plz dont attack me for saying that an ipad with these specs would be much better.. it just redundant.

There is a village somewhere....
Just wait for the paperthin rollable display (which already exists) that has no 3-4TB drive and no battery...just a cloud to store all your million movies/songs and powered wirelessly (these exist as well, although wireless power is still in infancy) . The future iPad you described, Ultrimate, is based on todays' technology. You gotta be a little more creative...
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