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To get rid of unwanted software from ipad2

Can someone help please. In Safari I have a message I cannot get rid of.

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Press OK to continue

I haven't pressed, nor do I want to press OK but I cannot leave this tab and therefore can't use Safari

What can I do?

While it won't hurt the iPad to press "OK" (the worst that will happen is that you will be directed to another web page for a commercial pitch), you can close Safari (by tapping the Home button).

Then, fully close Safari by swiping up on the screen and then swiping up the Safari "card."

Then, go to the Safari tab in your Settings app and scroll down to find the "Clear History" and "Clear Cookies and Data" lines. Press them to fully clear out your Safari.

That should do it. Good luck.

Thank you Marilyn. I did look at Safari in Settings but my lack of knowledge made me nervous of deleting all history or if I should be deleting individual sites. I then became aware of the enormous number of sites listed! If I clear everything does that mean all eg favourites disappear and I need to start from scratch? Or should I look for the name (mandrillapp.com) on the tab and just delete that? Apologies if this is unintelligible!

I also returned to this site via Google as clicking on the link on your email reply took me to Safari and the blasted page I can't leave!

Many thanks again.
No, clearing your cookies and history will not affect your Favorites (or any other bookmarks, for that matter). They'll still remain.

Thanks again. I've clicked 'OK' and as you said was directed to an advertising page which I closed and all's fine.

Having become aware now of the Clear History option, may I ask if I should definitely clear everything( which would appear to release some memory) and thereafter delete history on a regular basis? Is there any good reason for keeping history items given that sites I want I bookmark?

Also, as I'm not very knowledgable re Cookies, should I be selective or again just delete?

Incidentally, on a different subject, is there any book, manual, website which details the pros and cons of 'switching on' and 'off' iPad settings ie sliding on or off the various green circular buttons?
Kind regards
Thanks again. I've clicked 'OK' and as you said was directed to an advertising page which I closed and all's fine.

Having become aware now of the Clear History option, may I ask if I should definitely clear everything( which would appear to release some memory) and thereafter delete history on a regular basis? Is there any good reason for keeping history items given that sites I want I bookmark?

Also, as I'm not very knowledgable re Cookies, should I be selective or again just delete?

It really is a matter of choice what you do. It causes no harm to clear the history and cookies as often as you wish. I do it every night ... but only because I don't like having a record of my browsing history/cookies available to web sites I visit. It all depends on hoe comfortable you are with cookies....

Incidentally, on a different subject, is there any book, manual, website which details the pros and cons of 'switching on' and 'off' iPad settings ie sliding on or off the various green circular buttons?
Kind regards

Not that I'm aware of (though you could check the [free] iPad guide put out by Safari. Those switches and such are browser settings, similar to what you'd find on a computer, so it's really user preference what you select. If you wish, list the Safari settings (or any other) you have questions on and I'm sure someone here will be able to tell you what they do (or don't do).

The only real downside of Clearing Cookies and Data is that sites that normally remember you will need to be signed into again. Cookies are how they remember who you are.

While History can be a lot of information, it's actually very little space. It's just a text file of URL's and a some related information. A 1 MB file can hold well over 400 pages of standard paperback text.
Thanks to you both. Your communications have been really helpful and I'm now happier that I am better informed than earlier today!
Kind regards

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