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To jb or upgrade 3.2.2


iPF Noob
Recently got an iPad, my first, and am now wondering should I update to 4.3.5 or jailbreak my 3.2.2? I like the sounds of what jail breaking can open up but don't know if I'm missing out on anything important from4.3.5? Also, any recommendation of which jb method in the guide would be handy.

As soon as i got my ipad i jailbreaked it.
The update is nothing big just something to do with security i think it fixes security vulnerability just a little update.
I used jailbreakme[dot]com to jailbreak, you just go on safari on you ipad and type that with the . and click install :)
Wow. That's an oldie!

I'm going to assume it's an iPad1, given it's on iOS 3.2.2....

So, the only available option you have for upgrading is to iOS 4.3.5. For the iPad1, that version can be jail broken, however, it'll have to be a tethered jailbreak using redsn0w (IOW, you'll always have to connect it to your computer to reboot it) jail

Take a look at this thread here for more info on that: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...tutorial-jailbreak-ipad1-redsn0w-windows.html

Regardless of your decision, you might want to think of upgrading your iOS, whether you choose to jail break or not. You're missing out on folders, multitasking, etc. But, that's just my opinion...

Good luck in your decision.

Thanks for the good info Marilyn! Yes iPad 1. I think it was shelved a long time before finally selling. Think I'll try the jb and maybe update later...

You are missing a whole load of features not being on 4.x, in particular multitasking and folders. Don't stay on 3.x too long!
Actually updated to 4.3.5 just now and downloading the firmware 4.3.4 for redsn0w to point at. Great info in this forum!


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