I'm loving these tongue twisters.
Everyone thinks I've lost my marbles as I mutter along!
Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
Here's a real tongue twister.
Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watches switches. Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch witch?
Wow . . . those are not very good tongue twisters.
Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watches switches. Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch witch?"
Shep Schwab shopped at Scott's Schnapps shop; One shot of Scott's Schnapps stopped Schwab's watch.
You're late with the witch tongue twister, I posted it yesterday.
"Fir Funr Forn Firn Korn, Barg Arup un Barg Arip."
Any Yourba speakers?"Mo ra dodo n'ido, mo je dodo n'Ido. Mo wa f'owo dodo p'a mo ni dodo n'idodo n'ido."
Katranese perhaps?
"Bankapurada kempu kunkuma, bankapurada kempu kunkuma, bankapurada kempu kunkuma."
UPDATE: I propose the first annual IPA iPad Twister contest. Write an iPad related TT and I'll probably never send you some cool gifts. Like toungue splints and a purpose in life.
Sensitive Selektionssimulatoren sondieren sogar sekundär-strukturierte Sonarselektoren - sogar sekundär-strukturierte Sonarselektoren sondieren sensitive Selektionssimulatoren.
(Too difficult to translate)
o is spoken like in "from", ie like ee, ä as in "when", u as in "woohoo"
Sorry, I am not from Yourba. I am not Yiddish and what the heck is a Katranesian, anyway? I think the second one has something to do with kittens and corsets. not sure, sorry. Ask Mr. Bing, he knows all.