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Totally disillusioned with iPad 2!

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I have been on here for a very long time, and it still amazes me how many people expect miracles from the iPad. Each individual has specific needs. It is not up to any manufacturer to make the perfect device for any indivdual. They make what they think will be best at a certain price structure. If the majority of people agree, they make a lot of money. If not, they move on to another product. A lot of bluetooth devices will work with the iPad, including my Microsoft keyboard. My bluetooth mouse will not, because the iPad does not support the use of a mouse. You also should ask yourself, if it is so easy to add better bluetooth, flash, and all the other features a few want in the iPad, why are the non-iPad tablets not selling? Consummer electronics is a balance between features, price, and reliability. If the balance is off, the device does not sell.
I have been on here for a very long time, and it still amazes me how many people expect miracles from the iPad.
If my life experience is typical, I find this easy to understand. Most apple users that I am surrounded by are not as honest as those found here. Most of the time, when I struggle with my other-than-apple devices and software, my apple friends simply suggest in that I should get an apple this or that, suggesting that they don't suffer from these kinds of problems. This certainly led to high expectations on my part.

I also suspect that the people who visit forums such as this are a small part of the apple population, and an even smaller part of the potential apple population. I doubt that most see such balanced views prior to purchase.
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As for Flash. Well it's rubbish that we don't have it in the ipad or phone etc. I have just bought a Samsung Galaxy S2 (im using this till the iphone 5 comes out) and it has flash built in. God it's fantastic and amazing how many sites do have flash and you dont see it.

I just got the Galaxy S II and doubt that I will ever switch to an iPhone. It's a great smart phone and available at discount prices, something you don't see with Apple products. I will take a long hard look at Android tablets when the time comes to replace the iPad.

I agree on Flash. I wouldn't care about it if I didn't keep coming accross web sites that require it. What I really don't understand is why so many want to justify the lack of Flash in iOS.
I agree on Flash. I wouldn't care about it if I didn't keep coming accross web sites that require it. What I really don't understand is why so many want to justify the lack of Flash in iOS.

It really depends on what sites you frequent. I was worried about lack of flash support at first but after a few months of ownership I havent missed it yet. Really - not once did I hit a website and say "Awe man, stoopid Apple and their lack of flash support". Now thats just me. Plenty of others visit lots of sites that use it. Depends on the person. I dont think anyone justifies the lack of flash its more that we accept it as a shortcoming of the product. Yes, even Apple products have issues and some missing features.

Realize too that Flash is No longer being worked on by Adobe and that paves the way for HTML 5. So flash really can be considered dinosuar technology at this point. In a few years people will be wondering what the heck flash was..... ;)
I have just bought a Samsung Galaxy S2 . God it's fantastic and amazing how many sites do have flash and you dont see it.

I have this phone! I love it!

Something IOS should definitely look at adding / changing.

It will never change, sorry.


On that note ~ anyone interested, please read ^

I do not want this thread turned into a flash debate. That is not the OP's issues.
Most people complaining about the lack of some features on the iPad always come done to the same things
- Playing other format than MP4
- Being able to display Flash/Java content
- Drag'n drop of files without the need for iTunes
- External device storage accessibility (USB)

From a business point of view, not having these features is understandable.

- Being able to play any movie format implies that a users can download a movie from any website, and store those movies on the iPad. Let's face it,, those movies were often obtained illegally. Since Apple wants to have a wide selection of movies available from the major studios, making the iPad not able to play other formats, may help getting more deals with the studios. Also, the MP4 format is probably supported by the hardware, making it more efficient on the battery usage. Having multiple formats hardware supported would probably increase the complexity and the price.

- Plugins are not supported (Flash, Java) as a technological design choice. The iPad is a limited device where memory and battery are the main concern. Even on a PC, those plugins can slow down everything. I have also a Playbook that can display Flash content, and webpages can slow down to a crawl when there is too much content to display... It is very annoying when you want to read the article but have to wait on the plugins to do their stuff (most often, ads...)

- Being able to put files freely on the device is quite limited. But again, this can be as it is because of the deals with major studios. On the other hand, there are a lot of apps available to solve this issue.

- Having access to external storage would be fun, I must admit. But at the same time, this means that room has to be made to support such devices (SD card, USB drives). There is an adapter available, but it is only useful for pictures. Again, I'm pretty sure that this limitation has to do with the deals with the major studios...

So, basically, if Apple was able to provide such a wide selection of music and movies is probably related to the limitation of what the iOS devices can do. Those old enough will remember the saga related to 4-track tape, and the possibility to dub any tape using a tape deck. I'm pretty sure that Apple asked the studios with a "pretty please", but is probably now answering by "Let me thing about it..."

And for the ones complaining about Apple making money, I sincerely hope they do, cause otherwise, there would be no more new iOS devices/versions.

My 2 cents

VicoPad addict!
If my life experience is typical, I find this easy to understand. Most apple users that I am surrounded by are not as honest as those found here. Most of the time, when I struggle with my other-than-apple devices and software, my apple friends simply suggest in that I should get an apple this or that, suggesting that they don't suffer from these kinds of problems. This certainly led to high expectations on my part.

I also suspect that the people who visit forums such as this are a small part of the apple population, and an even smaller part of the potential apple population. I doubt that most see such balanced views prior to purchase.

I think many people are carried away by their own enthusiasm. For instance, I notice that many people will say about an iPad, a vacation spot, a restaurant or whatever, "You'll love it!" I don't know how anyone can say anything more than "I think you'll like it," and even then only if you really know someone and his preferences.

I think the key is asking smart, specific questions, rather than gauging from someone else's enthusiasm or generalities. For instance, if you need A device to work with B device, ask how you actually do it, and whether they'd be willing to show you how. If you ask that sort of thing, you'll usually learn that people often don't know, lol.

I especially don't trust sales people. I figure many are lazy or undertrained, and others just might not know, because there's a lot of info out there. That's why no matter how much research you do for any device, you will want a good return period, so you can test drive it for your own needs and return if you're not satisfied.

And if you find your friends and acquaintances are cultish Apple users (or other types of consumers who seem unrealistically pleased), maybe you should take everything they say with lots of salt.
I agree on Flash. I wouldn't care about it if I didn't keep coming accross web sites that require it. What I really don't understand is why so many want to justify the lack of Flash in iOS.

I'd like Flash on all my mobile devices, but Apple's and Steve Job's hatred of Flash was well publicized, so it's a dead horse that's taken lots of beating and is covered in flies, and IMO it's not even worth wishing for, because it's more likely that my iPad will grow wings than it will support Flash.
I'd like Flash on all my mobile devices, but Apple's and Steve Job's hatred of Flash was well publicized, so it's a dead horse that's taken lots of beating and is covered in flies, and IMO it's not even worth wishing for, because it's more likely that my iPad will grow wings than it will support Flash.

I know that this isn't likely to change with the iPad any time soon. It's one of the reasons that I might not choose the iPad next time. I am not a Flash devotee, it's just that the lack of it precludes me from accessing lots of web sites with the iPad.
I'd like Flash on all my mobile devices, but Apple's and Steve Job's hatred of Flash was well publicized, so it's a dead horse that's taken lots of beating and is covered in flies, and IMO it's not even worth wishing for, because it's more likely that my iPad will grow wings than it will support Flash.

Well said ~

And with that note ~ this thread is closed, since we can't seem to stop beating that dead horse. And we all were warned.

@ the OP:

I hope that we have assisted you somewhat with your disillusions of the iPad. :)
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