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Totally disillusioned with iPad 2!

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To OP, some answers...
1. Never had a problem with pairing of bluetooth to numerous non-Apple devices including Creative bluetooth speakers.
2. You can play flash content with the aid of numerous apps including iSwifter.
3. In order to print wirelessly, you just need to buy a $30 HP Air-print capable printer from Best Buy.
4. As someone already mentioned, OPlayer is perfectly capable.
If you are still frustrated with your Ipad, I will gladly offer $200 to take it off your hands.

I'm another one who agrees with the OP it drive me nuts on some of the thing apple excludes and there is no good reason. Drag-n-drop is a major point for me. While I'm at work I would like to save a document to the iPad. Answer Dropbox ...ah no this and many other software apps are not allowed on our network. So my work around is Evernotes. It work but I still wish I could just drop file to my iPad. However I can't live without my iPad sitting next to me. In fact I wish there was a neck strap so that all I would need to do is look down a stat tapping. But to each his own.

I'll ofer you $201.00 and pay the shipping if you want to sell it.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
No manufacturer ever does anything without reason. As for bluetooth, a lot of the issues may deal with the bluetooth device manufacturer more than Apple. In any case, there is much more assistance available for Apple products than anything else. No single device is for everyone, but don't blame the device when you do not find it what you need. The vast majority of iPads have happy owners compared to other tablets. If you have issues, try making an appointment with the Genius Bar. They can usually help.
Most of the complaints boil down to you didn't do research. There are work arounds for some of your issues though.
I did some research on this forum and I am not denying that the product is well built etc. I knew before purchase about "Flash" but that did nto really bother me. I never questioned whether it could open wmv files and even if I did the chances of finding an answer using the search facility woudl have been very low. As for the Bluetooth issue teh Apple website states it has Bluetooth but fails to mention that the Bluetooth will only work with other Apple products. From that one would expect the Bluetooth to work with any other product that hass Bluetooth. If it wasn't for the Bluetooth issue I would accept the other shortcomings. For a supposedly high end piece fo equipment it is let down badly by it's Bluetooth interface and there is no similar wireless workaround. I already have two printers so a third is not an option for us.
Can you use your wifi to transmit files from a wifi enabled phone to the iPad 2 or a laptop?
Surfer01 said:
I did some research on this forum and I am not denying that the product is well built etc. I knew before purchase about "Flash" but that did nto really bother me. I never questioned whether it could open wmv files and even if I did the chances of finding an answer using the search facility woudl have been very low. As for the Bluetooth issue teh Apple website states it has Bluetooth but fails to mention that the Bluetooth will only work with other Apple products. From that one would expect the Bluetooth to work with any other product that hass Bluetooth. If it wasn't for the Bluetooth issue I would accept the other shortcomings. For a supposedly high end piece fo equipment it is let down badly by it's Bluetooth interface and there is no similar wireless workaround. I already have two printers so a third is not an option for us.
Can you use your wifi to transmit files from a wifi enabled phone to the iPad 2 or a laptop?

It took me all of 15 seconds to find these links......



There are apps which support wifi transfer of files, you just got to do a bit of searching. GoodReader does this.

The Archangel
I agree Bluetooth works fine with many non Apple dock systems head phones and car systems without issues. One does not need Bluetooth to transfer files. I have no problem at transfering files from my Mac via wifi. I also use iCloud for music on demand. As for flash Adobe is no longer supporting flash on any mobile platform and that includes Android......Adobe have closed down developement which means limited support only to older devices. Millions of iPads have been sold and millions of users are more than happy with the iPad however in saying that some users expect it to be a PC which it is not. If the shoe does not fit don't wear it purchase a MacBook air instead or a similar device and if you seriously think the Android tabs will resolve all your issues they won't.

Finally we are here to provide support and answers to our users and guests from not only our highly experience staff but also hundreds of users and we have been doing this for almost 2 years. I can guarantee we can offer solutions to resolve most of your issues that you have. So what do you have to do to get answers .....just be specific list your problems than we will assist.... It is that simple

Cheers Colin,

The iPad has a "Sand Boxed" or "Walled Garden" OS which means limited access to the file system Bluetooth etc. I underscstood this when I made my purchase but still find frustrating.

You can access non-Apple BT devices by the way, I think that it's just that the implementation of BT profiles is far from complete.

A supposed advantage is that iOS is less vulnerable to malware but I don't completely believe that.

When I replace the iPad, the openness of the OS will be something that I will give a lot of thought to.
I personally cannot understand why they don't allow Apple devices to see other devices other than it's own brand. I found this out the first day that I bought my iphone. It really is a pain in the backside.

As for Flash. Well it's rubbish that we don't have it in the ipad or phone etc. I have just bought a Samsung Galaxy S2 (im using this till the iphone 5 comes out) and it has flash built in. God it's fantastic and amazing how many sites do have flash and you dont see it.

Something IOS should definitely look at adding / changing.
The Apple website specifies what BT profiles are supported (very few), but they aren't limited to Apple devices.

iPad just isn't going to be a good fit for some people, and there are other computing alternatives, so it's easy to return, resell or give away an iPad and move on.

If some particular functions are key to a buyer's needs, I'd say it's common sense to return before the return period and get a full refund if you can't manage to get a device to do what you want. There might be workarounds, but if you can't figure them out within a return period, the device probably is not a good fit for you and your skill level or ability to find answers.
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