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Transfer bookmarks from pc to Ipad ?

I use firefox on my pc not mac...how do I copy over all my bookmarks to safari on the ipad?
I've just installed Safari for PC on one of my PCs. It automatically created a folder with my IE favorites. I'm not sure if it will do it with Firefox. Can you then sync your PC Safari to your iPad Safari?
Yes, save a copy of firefox bookmarks on your desktop, then import them into safari. Then sync the bookmarks from iTunes. Oh yes, you must have downloaded the full safari browser from apple. It's free.
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Yes, save a copy of firefox bookmarks on your desktop, then import them into safari. Then sync the bookmarks from iTunes. Oh yes, you must have downloaded the full safari browser from apple. It's free.


I've tried XMarks for Safari and the Firefox add-on. Too heavy for my needs. Any important bookmarks can also be parked temporarily at google bookmarks; on my igoogle homepage. Could also reverse sync iPad through itunes into Safari then export to Firefox. All these steps are simple and take little time.
I have installed Safari on my pc, imported my firefox bookmarks into that Safari. I then restart iTunes and go to info, other, bookmarks, sync notes with, but an option for Safari doesn't show up, only an option for outlook. Therefore I'm not able to sync my firefox bookmarks to Safari on my iPad. Any ideas please?

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