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Transfer files to iPad air from PC - what do I need? And how do I do it?

I suppose another option would be relocation all though its quite costly at that.
Not a chance. I live in a tropical paradise, in a house that's paid off, in a neighborhood I couldn't afford to buy into today.

I sit on top of an ancient sand dune (over 30' tall, that's a mountain in Florida). To the east is a 2 mile wide lagoon then a thin barrier island and then the ocean. To the west is a wetland preserve. I get breezes in the summer, and no frost in the winter. I've seen bobcats, fox, cranes, possums, raccoons, snakes, lizards, tortoises, and more birds than I could ever hope to identify in my back yard.

Although my lot is only a half acre, and I have a modest home, I live in a neighborhood where most lots are between 25 and 50 acres and have huge homes on them. Some of them over 100 acres

A guy in the 1940s, before zoning, split half of is 56 acre lot, subdivided it, and built one cottage per year. I got lucky when I found this one for sale. And it was at a great price because the owner was going blind. I didn't even bargain for a better price.

It's likely that this will be the last house I ever buy. If I don't need a nursing home when I get older, I'll probably stay here until the end.

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I solved my problem, but not the way I originally intended. I took the easiest way out, the path of least resistance.

My old 2002 ThinkPad that I retired from on stage work due to a 2002 sized hard drive is doing nothing right now. It still works. Admittedly the pictures would look better on the iPad with it's higher resolution and brighter screen, but Apple has made it too difficult for a cross platform person like myself. So I put my pictures on a flash drive, and carted the old laptop over to my friend's house.

I'm on the outside looking in, and I know that Apple wants to keep Apple users from straying to other platforms, but I don't know if that's really the best solution.

Putting roadblocks for people like myself who have to use a Windows computer seems like they are hurting themselves. When the iPad dies, I'll probably replace it with an Android, and Apple loses a sale.

I love the iPad, the display is beautiful, it's well designed, and efficient. Apple just puts too many stumbling blocks in my way. I need compatibility. YMMV.

Thanks to all for your suggestions. I apologize for wasting your time and appreciate your generosity and eagerness to help. It just got either too time consuming or too costly a solution just to show a friend some pictures.
Not a chance. I live in a tropical paradise, in a house that's paid off, in a neighborhood I couldn't afford to buy into today.
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I solved my problem, but not the way I originally intended. I took the easiest way out, the path of least resistance.

Hey Bob - having been to Florida dozens of times, both coasts, over the decades, I understand your feelings.

Another suggestion that I did not provide previously because would require a 'fast' home Wi-Fi network can be found in this POST of mine from just over a year ago. I have 2 apps mentioned on my iPad, i.e. Photo Transfer App and the Photo Sync App - both also require apps on an Apple or Windows computer - you could give one a try w/ your home wireless network or take your hardware to a 'place' w/ a faster Wi-Fi offering? Dave :)
I grew up near Ft Lauderdale, back when it was a small town with lots of undeveloped land around it. I moved up by the Indian River to get away from the crowds, and when I found this area and the home at a price I could manage, I didn't think twice. It's growing too fast around here, but in the 15 or so mile stretch were I live, it's not likely to change. We have a strong "Freeholders" association that fights such things.

Almost paradise.

Again thanks for all your help. My friends are leaving on their adventure, and they enjoyed the pictures, and are definitely going to some of the places. And when they get back, they'll share their pictures and we'll see the things we missed (no matter how long you are on vacation, no matter how much you see, there are always other wonderful things you miss).

I'm a bit late to this discussion. But, I've been using a PC program called "Copy Trans Photo" That moves Photos both to and from PC and iDevice. Also creates new Albums in photo app. Just Google Copy Trans they have a suite of programs. No connection, just a user.
To add to the question about file transfer, I do some photography with an SLR. After taking a picture, I can only see the result on the little viewfinder screen. I'd like to check my pictures on a bigger, portable screen. My iPad would be ideal
Is there any app for iPad that would treat the camera as a remote storage location and enabling it to receive the picture, just like my PC does?
To add to the question about file transfer, I do some photography with an SLR. After taking a picture, I can only see the result on the little viewfinder screen. I'd like to check my pictures on a bigger, portable screen. My iPad would be ideal
Is there any app for iPad that would treat the camera as a remote storage location and enabling it to receive the picture, just like my PC does?

Hi Gregory - welcome to the forum! :) First, please provide more information: 1) What iPad do you own (be specific); 2) What iOS is installed (iOS 11.0 was just released); 3) What SLR camera do you own (again specific - brand/model); and 4) What are your 'transfer' options w/ this camera, e.g. memory card (what type - assume a SD like in my cameras), cable, Wi-Fi, or combination?) - answers to these questions will help. For myself, I have a Panasonic Lumix which has a SD card and also Wi-Fi w/ an iPad app - the latter is a 'no-brainer' for image transfer between my camera and iPad.

Second, have you reviewed the other posts in this thread, especially the first page - a LOT of excellent advice already given, which may or may not (sorry) help. I'll stop there and let you respond - Dave
To add to the question about file transfer, I do some photography with an SLR. After taking a picture, I can only see the result on the little viewfinder screen. I'd like to check my pictures on a bigger, portable screen. My iPad would be ideal
Is there any app for iPad that would treat the camera as a remote storage location and enabling it to receive the picture, just like my PC does?

There is no generic app that will let you view photos on a connected device without downloading them to the iPad. There is a small chance that your camera manufacturere has an app on the App Store that will do this.

There are a few wi-fi drive devices (working with that device’s app) that you can use with and SD card to view photos and/or videos without loading them on the iPad. Some are meant to do exactly what you want. I don’t remember the names of any of them off the top of my head.

Others on the forum are more familiar with these products. Hopefully one will come accross this thread and comment. If not, try searching the forum for wi-fi drive and/or SD Card.
For those coming 'new' to the 3rd page of this thread, please review the earlier ones - there have already been many suggestions made for this process which may solve your issue(s) - Dave :)
I use GoodReader to sync a large 150GB folder from my PC to my iPad so I always have offline access to those files.
GoodReader can show a lot of different file formats and that way I am not forced to use the iPad way of organizing files.
You can use the File Sharing option in iTunes to transfer the files from PC to iPad.
you can use airdrop which is pre installed on your ipad and mac computer or you can use itunes to share file contact from computer to ipad.
while you are sharing file via air drop then you need to turn on both wifi and bluetooth. then select file and share with option.
or using itunes
connect your ipad to computer. open itunes authorize computer with your apple id if needed then under itunes find your ipad device and drag and drop file from computer to ipad.
I recently used www.icloud.com to copy files from a laptop to an iPad 2.

Yes, it took a few hours, but the almost 200 photos eventually did copy across.

You must have registered an iCloud account to your iPad for this to work. Log into www.icloud.com and navigate to the photos section, then it’s just a matter of uploading your photos from your PC directly to your logged in iCloud photos location.

No iTunes required [emoji2][emoji106]

Worked a treat!

Of course, this could be a moot point, IF your Wi-Fi connection is absolutely dismal.

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