Precious Little
iPF Noob
Hello again.
I wondered if anyone could help with my new problem.
I have a Steepletone USB jukebox. You can install and play music on these things via micro USB and SD card. It does say in the manual that not all USB devices will work and having tried attaching my external HD and flash drive to no avail, they are right!
But on the top is an iPod dock. I would be quite happy to buy an iPod and have it sit on the top and play music from that. And the storage on the jukebox is 4gb where on an iPod I think you would get a minimum 16gb?
My question is, if I buy an iPod, how would I buy music and put it on there? Does an iPod connect to the web and iTunes?
Or, as I have already been buying music on iTunes which is stored on my iPad, would I be able to Bluetooth the files onto the iPod from my iPad? There is a Bluetooth section on the panel of the jukebox but it does look a bit complicated to me.
It would be great if someone could guide me through this little dilemma. The object of course is to have a. USB jukebox to be filled with music, this issue I have is how to get songs onto the thing!
Thanks in advance.
I wondered if anyone could help with my new problem.
I have a Steepletone USB jukebox. You can install and play music on these things via micro USB and SD card. It does say in the manual that not all USB devices will work and having tried attaching my external HD and flash drive to no avail, they are right!
But on the top is an iPod dock. I would be quite happy to buy an iPod and have it sit on the top and play music from that. And the storage on the jukebox is 4gb where on an iPod I think you would get a minimum 16gb?
My question is, if I buy an iPod, how would I buy music and put it on there? Does an iPod connect to the web and iTunes?
Or, as I have already been buying music on iTunes which is stored on my iPad, would I be able to Bluetooth the files onto the iPod from my iPad? There is a Bluetooth section on the panel of the jukebox but it does look a bit complicated to me.
It would be great if someone could guide me through this little dilemma. The object of course is to have a. USB jukebox to be filled with music, this issue I have is how to get songs onto the thing!
Thanks in advance.