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Tunein plays jerky


iPF Noob
I installed the $1 app Tunein which seems to work great (make bookmarks, etc), but the radio stations I chose play jerky every few seconds you hear a short bleepy tone while on my Macbook (with VLC or iTunes) these stations play flawlessly. And even on my Nokia N810 little tablet. They all are on the same fast cable internet connection.
I read that many people are very enthousiastic about this app so what am I doing wrong ?
The easiest first way to try to solve ‘unexplained’ or ‘unusual’ problems with the iPad are:-

Force the offending app to close. If you have iOS 4.2 double-press the ‘Home’ button to bring up the multi-task bar at the bottom of the screen. Press *and hold* any icon until they start to ‘jiggle’. Then tap the top left-hand corner of the app that you want to close. It will ‘disappear’ from the list. Don’t panic - you’ve not deleted it, just closed it. Now tap the Home screen and the multi-task bar will disappear. Re-open the iPad’s app and see if the problem has resolved itself. If not, it’s on to possible solution number two!!
Restart the iPad. Press *and hold* the Power button. After a couple of seconds a slider control will appear asking you to confirm that you really want to switch the iPad off (this is all you’ll be doing). Slide the control to accept. A rotating white ‘bezel’ will appear in the iPad screen as the iPad powers down (it takes a few seconds, just like it would if you were shutting down your PC). When the screen of the iPad has gone completely blank, press *and hold* the Power button for a couple of seconds until the white Apple logo appears and the iPad starts to power up. This takes several seconds, so be patient. During the power up the automatic screen orientation function is disabled, so don’t panic. A few seconds before the power up is complete, the iPad plays a little ‘jingle’ and then you’re back to the Home screen. Restart the iPad’s app and see if the problem persists. Apple (and Forum members) recommend that you power down your iPad at least once a week, just as you might regularly completely switch off your PC. The normal procedure of just briefly pressing the Power button of the iPad merely puts it to ‘sleep’. Most Forum members have found that one of the two methods I’ve mentioned here cure a whole bunch of unexplained problems and are an easy first step to resolving most anything that happens on the iPad.

Thanks for the tip.

After a reboot (which I did last night) some stations still play jerky (i.e. every few seconds a strange bleepy sound). Is this app really good ? Or does it use different URLs ?
How can I enter a streal URL manually ?
If you go to the Apple iPad's 'Settings' menu and then click on TuneIn - how long have you got the buffer set for? Choose a longer time and try again.

Another possibility is to reduce the stream rate for those stations that stutter. When a stuttering station is playing - stop it - then choose the triangle control at the top right hand menu - it's the sort of WiFi one in the middle. From there you can reduce the stream rate and hopefully this will make it better.

Thanks, I set the buffer to 10 seconds, but nothing helps. I think this is just a crappy app.
On other devices these streams run fine.
I'm really surprised - this is the best app I've ever bought - it works 100% of the time for me, no problems at all. Try adjusting the stream rate and see if that helps...

Agree with Tim, it's an excellent app so check your settings.

Just out of interest I was watching my router lights whilst streaming radio the otherday. Rapid blinks then a long pause and another set of rapid blinks etc., repeat.
I'm no techie but it was obviously buffering the content as the station was very smooth.
I agree with Tim and Hasty.. It's a great app!

I use it daily and listen to many stations without any stuttering. Not only does it work well with WIFI at home, but I often use it with 3G to stream music and talk radio while I'm driving in my car.

I'm not sure what might be is causing your problem.
Are these settings correct ?
Or is the app incompatible with the iPad 2 (which seems unlikely to me) ?

EDIT: I increesed the buffer to 30 seconds but the problem persists.
How can I add manually URLs (or import m3u playlists) to be sure it is the same URL as on other devices (which work correctly) ?
Maybe it works only OK in certain locations ? Why should I otherwise allow location service rto this app ?

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I have the same problem with some streams that play perfectly in other apps (or in tunein for android). Hoping the latest update will fix it - will try it later today. Any other ideas? I have been disappointed so far with this app. Also, I have found the alarm clock function to be unreliable at best.

It seems that the latest update does fix the streaming issues I was having. I now hope to enjoy all that tunein has to offer. :)
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@appleeater i have exactly the same problem with the free version of tunein as well as the pro version on my ipad2. other radio apps don't have this problem. wonder what the fix will be.

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