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TUTORIAL - Re-restore IOS 5.x on iPad2 and iPad3 using redsn0w and SHSH Blobs


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Welcome to the iPadForums tutorial on how to re-restore your iPad2 or iPad3 device to a 5.x firmware using SHSH Blobs and redsn0w!

WARNING - This guide is no longer valid for anyone with a 3G / Cellular Enabled device. Since the release of IOS7 it is simply impossible to re-restore due to baseband signing issues.

redsn0w continues to evolve to be far more than just a jailbreak tool, and the latest iteration delivers something the community has been eagerly anticipating since the release of IOS6. iPad2 and iPad3 owners can now re-restore their devices to previous versions of 5.x firmware provided they have saved SHSH Blobs. Before this tool was released, it was only possible to restore to IOS 6.0.

NOTE - You must have saved SHSH Blobs for your device and the version of IOS you want to downgrade to. Without these, you cannot downgrade under any circumstances. No blobs = no downgrade. See our FAQ for more information about blobs - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/59291-shsh-blobs-faq-new-improved-2012-a.html.

Furthermore, if your device had its current installation of IOS done via the OTA method or you still have the factory installed IOS on there, redsn0w will not be able to restore the device. For most jailbreakers this should not be a problem, since jailbreaking should not normally involve OTA updates of IOS. But if you have never been jailbroken or have a brand new device with 5.1.1, you may fall foul of this problem!

This tutorial will demonstrate the re-restore of an iPad3 from 5.1.1 to 5.1.1. The tool however will support the installation of ANY IOS 5.x firmware from ANY 5.x firmware version currently installed, provided you have the necessary blobs.

iPad2 owners with 4.x blobs may also use this tool to downgrade from 6.x all the way back to 4.x if their blobs allow! But the downgrade is only possible if you have 4.x blobs. It cannot work with 5.x :(

iPad3 owners CANNOT use redsn0w to downgrade from iOS 6.x as things stand. You must be on 5.x currently in order to proceed with an iPad3.

You do not need to be or have ever been jailbroken to use this tutorial, and the result will not make your device jailbroken (unless you follow the additional steps after Step 8)! This is simply a tutorial for re-restoring or downgrading your iPad2 or iPad3. As has been said, what you do need is saved blobs, but these are NOTHING to do with being jailbroken ;)

In order to re-restore your device you will need a copy of the version of IOS you with to restore to. In this example it is 5.1.1 for the iPad3.
You can download the files you need from our handy thread. Make sure you pick the right files for your specific device - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24939-official-apple-ios-firmware-download-links-ipad.html

Next, you need to download the latest version of redsn0w from the iPhone dev-team blog here - Dev-Team Blog
You will need at least version 0.9.15b1 or newer.

Let's Re-Restore!
1. Connect your iPad to your PC and shut down iTunes, if it automatically launches.
2. Launch redsn0w on your computer and select the "Extras" option (Don't forget to run the executable as an "Administrator" if you are using a Windows PC)

3. Press the "Even more" button…

4. Press "Restore"…

5. Press "IPSW"

6. Select the firmware file you with to re-restore, which you downloaded when preparing for this tutorial…

7. Assuming you have your blobs available either via Cydia or locally via TinyUmbrella, you can marvel as redsn0w works it's magic… :D
(if redsn0w cannot find your blobs, use the "Local" or "Remote" buttons help identify them)





8. Congratulations! Your iPad has now been re-restored to clean factory fresh IOS 5.1.1 (or whichever firmware you have chosen to re-restore with this method).

Optionally, if you also want to re-jailbreak the device...
9. Once you complete the setup Wizard on your iPad, go back to the main menu on redsn0w, and press "Jailbreak"

10. A few seconds later you will have a freshly restored device with a clean new jailbreak :D


There you have it. Re-restoration on the iPad3 or iPad2!
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Does not work with ipad 3 on ios6. It will not downgrade ipad3.

Correct. It does not say that it will anywhere in the tutorial or in the redsn0w announcement, does it? We have been quite clear that this would not allow an ios6 ipad3 downgrade for many weeks, since the dev-team first announced it!

Redsn0w can and will downgrade an iPad3 on 5.x if you have the necessary blobs.

I have added an explicit sentence for iPad3 owners on 6.0 who can't read details very well ;)
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It asks me to put into recovery but yours does it automatically :S

What combination of device, IOS, and blobs, are you using? redsn0w can probably only do certain things automagically under certain circumstances... :)

Once completed, please let us know what it was you managed to do and what differences there were with the tutorial above, and then we can keep a record of all the successful combinations and the difference between them...
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Thanks for this tutorial! I just re-restored my iPad3 with zero problems!

All I did was plug in the iPad and follow the appropriate directions in the tutorial.

I was worried because I couldn't remember if I had put on 5.1.1 via OTA, but it turns out that I didn't. Worked a treat.

I have decided to restore from new, basically to get a brand-new, fresh iPad. So, now all I have to do is put it all back together. Oh, and I have to re-jailbreak it! :D

So, other than my self imposed restrictions due to restoring it from new, this was a piece of cake. Thanks again, f4780y, for this tutorial. Awesome job!

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hi all

i`m very new here. i had facing a problem while re-restoring my jailbroken ipad 2 wifi model from 5.0.1 to 5.1.1 (follow the instructin on thi tutorial). it shows couldn`t restore screen. tried to redo the step, same error comeout. now my ipad stuck on dfu mode, dont know how. how to get out from dfu mode? i have try everything but none is working. someone help me.
Key question is: do you have the SHSH blobs for iOS 5.1.1 (the iOS you want to re-restore to)? If you don't have the blogs, that is why it won't work.

According to the Dev Team instructions, you should be able to boot normally by going back to the "Even More" screen from the "Restore" screen (in the redsn0w tool) or by using the "Recovery Fix" option in the tool if you've quit redsn0w before going back.

So, try that and see how it works. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

yes i have the blobs for 5.1.1 and 5.0.1. i also tried recovery fix but not working. tried to use sleep button and home button together, same result. if i try to use itunes to restore to ios 6 and after that use redsnow to re-restore to 5.1.1/5.0.1, do u think it will work?
yes i have the blobs for 5.1.1 and 5.0.1. i also tried recovery fix but not working. tried to use sleep button and home button together, same result. if i try to use itunes to restore to ios 6 and after that use redsnow to re-restore to 5.1.1/5.0.1, do u think it will work?

You must not do that. It will render your iPad2 stuck on iOS6 forever as things stand. You can only downgrade an iPad2 from IOS6 if you are in possession of 4.x blobs, which you are not.

Please can you provide a better, more detailed description, of the EXACT error message you get from redsn0w when you follow this tutorial. Are you sure you are following all the steps exactly?
Hey there,

Thank you for that tutorial.
I just have a question. I read the post but couldn't figure out how to proceed in my current state.

My iPad 2 is jailbroken on 4.3.3 if I want to upgrade to 5.1.1 should I update to ios 6 then downgrade using my 4.3.3 blobs? but would my 4.3.3 blobs restore me to 5.1.1?
On TinyUmbrella, I can see that I am able to save both 4.3.3 and 5.1.1 blobs. So I guess I have access to my 5.1.1 blobs.

Could you please instruct me on how to proceed in order to get to a jailbroken 5.1.1.

Cheers :)
Given that you have blogs for both iOS 4.x and 5.1.1, you should be able to plug your iPad in and follow this tutorial to re- restore to iOS 5.1.1. Yes, you'll actually be upgrading, but it's still going to be the same process. The Dev Team blog states you can go "up, down or the same" in iOS version as long as you have the blobs.

So, let 'per rip! I would recommend a backup before you start, however. Just in case. :) Remember to shut down iTunes after you've done the backup...

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

First of all, thanks for your reply..

I've been trying for hours. It just doesn't want to work.
When I follow the guide, it asks me for the IPSW, I choose 5.1.1 it asks me for 4.x IPSW I choose 4.3.5 (which btw is the version I'm on, in the previous post I said 4.3.3 by mistake).
Then it asks me to point to my 4.3.5 blobs, I do it. It starts recovering to 4.3.5 (hacked) the first couple of times it gave me an error "Service Could not Be Started". A third time, it ran through the restore of 4.3.5, then it began the 5.1.1 restore and it gave me the same "Service Could Not Be Started".

Oh and one more thing, in TinyUmbrella, when I go to the advanced tab to uncheck "Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit" I cannot check/uncheck coz it is greyed out.

Any ideas?
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First of all, thanks for your reply..

I've been trying for hours. It just doesn't want to work.
When I follow the guide, it asks me for the IPSW, I choose 5.1.1 it asks me for 4.x IPSW I choose 4.3.5 (which btw is the version I'm on, in the previous post I said 4.3.3 by mistake).
Then it asks me to point to my 4.3.5 blobs, I do it. It starts recovering to 4.3.5 (hacked) the first couple of times it gave me an error "Service Could not Be Started". A third time, it ran through the restore of 4.3.5, then it began the 5.1.1 restore and it gave me the same "Service Could Not Be Started".

Oh and one more thing, in TinyUmbrella, when I go to the advanced tab to uncheck "Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit" I cannot check/uncheck coz it is greyed out.

Any ideas?

This is a PC issue and it sounds like you are not running things as an Administrator... Are you sure you are?

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