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Ultimate List of Jailbreak Tweaks

THAT WAS IT! I knew it had either infinity or endless as part of the title but I wasn't able to find it.

Also, based on how much you've gone on about it today I downloaded barrel... It's fun, just not $2.99 fun IMO. More like $.99 fun.

Yeah, but sometimes ... you just gotta have a stoooopid thing to provide those little entertainments. I generally don't put "just because" stuff on my iPad. But, for some odd reason, Barrel entertains me, even at its current price. I guess because it makes it so obvious that the iPad is not stock ...?

Heh, if you want useless "look at what my jail broke iPad can do!" stuff - try Graviboard. Now that, IMNSHO, was rather a waste of money (even at $0.99). Of course, and as always, YMMV. :D

i have a camera connection kid, that show error "device need to much power" or somthing like that when i plug it in.
i there a tweak or somthing that can make it work?.
i have a camera connection kid, that show error "device need to much power" or somthing like that when i plug it in.
i there a tweak or somthing that can make it work?.

What are you trying to connect through the CCKit? If it is a USB keyboard or mouse, some require too much power to work with the iPad port and need an external power supply.
sd card class 10 via sd to usb.
also i was thinking usb gamepad for nes emulator, but have not tried that out yet.
i have a camera connection kid, that show error "device need to much power" or somthing like that when i plug it in.
i there a tweak or somthing that can make it work?.

Unfortunately, there is no tweak to override Apple's power settings on that 30-pin connector. For USB drives, it is a matter of trial-and-error to find one that works. You'll always get that notice when the USB device won't work. Sorry.


I'm new to the world of JB. As someone else said here, after looking at lots of websites and YouTube vids, it all became a blurr. Tis is the best forum I've found so far. It's helped immensely.
Is there a free tweak that allows you to send and receive msg like a text msg on ipad 2 3g? I mean that you can be able to use your sim card just like an ordinary cellphone does?... I'm aware of one, swirlysms free for ipad 3g, howerver, it is not compatible with ios5 and later...
Will it be possible to add "IOS 5.1.1" compatibility at the list ??

What we are doing is updating the list "by exception." so, if you know of a tweak that does not work with iOS 5.1.1 or the new iPad, please, let us know in this thread. Then, we'll update the main main to reflect the incompatibility.

The reason is because many more tweaks work with 5.1.1 than not, plus we already have the list separated out by iOS 4.x and 5.x compatibility. It's easier to maintain if we only focus on the ones that don't work, given that most, that I've seen - do work.

What we are doing is updating the list "by exception." so, if you know of a tweak that does not work with iOS 5.1.1 or the new iPad, please, let us know in this thread. Then, we'll update the main main to reflect the incompatibility.

The reason is because many more tweaks work with 5.1.1 than not, plus we already have the list separated out by iOS 4.x and 5.x compatibility. It's easier to maintain if we only focus on the ones that don't work, given that most, that I've seen - do work.

Happy to hear that many of them work with 5.1.1 :) Thanks for your answer.
Is there a tweak that allows you to change the badge icon colors?

The red badge icons clashes badly with my blue theme, and just simply removing them with BadgeRemover has basically prevented me from accurately knowing which app has a notification or an update for me without having to consisently check the notification center.

All I can suggest is to go to Cydia and do a search for any badge themes. I believe I've seen some, just don't remember their names off-hand.

Or, you could try modifying the badges in your theme to reflect the color you want. That way, you can have exactly the color (and design) that you want. You could either modify the theme directly or make your own theme to override the badge icons (which is what I've done...).

Someone managed to get more than 5 icons in the dock on 5.1.1? Infinidock isn't compatible yet I guess...

Have you tried Springtomize2? I currently have it running on my iPad3 with n I'll effects. it's not Infinidock, but you can put up to 10 icons on the dock...


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