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Unable to shut down my Ipad 64 GB 3G

My Ipad slipped from my hand, however it did not fall down as I managed to get hold of it. Since then it is not normal. I have the following problems.

1. I am unable to switch it off.
2. If I try to shut it down it restarts automatically.
3. The white apple keeps appearing and disappearing from the screen if I try to forcibly shut it down.

Please help.
Have you tried to perform a 'hard reset'? Hold down the Power Key and the Home button until the iPad resets. Then restart as normal. This seems to 'cure' a number of the more persistent iPad problems.

Good Luck and let us know how you get on.

Just let the power wear down until it shuts down and then plug it and try starting it.
It is possible that the power switch was damaged. You may have to bring it to an Apple Store...
Killol Kamani said:
The ipad did not drop or anything so how can the power switch get spoiled?

It could have rubbed somewhere when you say it slipped or you could have pressed it down with too much force...
Still, letting the power wear down to zero once in a while is good for the battery. Be patient. You could help wear it down faster by letting video run with brightness set at maximum...
The ipad did not drop or anything so how can the power switch get spoiled?

Other members have had similar problems (Apple symbol keeps appearing and disappearing) and it turned out to be a fully discharged battery. The solution was to put the iPad onto charge for a couple of hours and then try to restart it.

Had that flashing apple logo after water damage to my iPhone. Battery was dead. Controls confused.
Fortunately three days on a radiator has it working again....

Put it on charge and then do a complete shutdown restart.

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