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Unable to sync with iTunes after update to latest OS vers


iPF Novice
Hi all.
I am having one hell of problem syncing with the latest version OS to iTunes.
When I had vers 5 I had no problems, but since updating to 6 it is a case of hit and miss. Most times it is a miss.

I have tried reboot with both the iPad and my PCM but no joy. Any advice please?



Sent from my iPad using iPF
Don't know much about this sort of thing, but I was prompted to update my iTunes because of ios6 coming out. Did you update iTunes's recently?
Hi there.

As it turned out, my iphone would not sync either. Yes I did do all the updates including iTunes.

However the problem has now been resolved, not fixed but resolved. I tried for an re-install over the existing iTunes program. This presented me with a choice, to Repair iTunes or to Remover it. I chose to repair.

The process went through the motions but at the end, nothing was achieved . Still no Sync.

I eventually decided on doing a Windows System Restore selecting a date about 2 weeks ago when I knew the Sync was still working.

The restore fixed the problem, all that I needed to do now was to download all the updates for the that 2 week period.

So it looks like the iOS upgrade had nothing to do with this problem as I first thought.

When all was to my satisfaction I created a new restore point, should this happen again.

It's a pity that I did not identify the actual cause as to what corrupted the Sync process

PavtubeVideo said:
When you connect your iPad to your computer, an iPad icon should appear in iTunes in the left column under Devices. But if it doesn’t, this troubleshooting assistant can help:

[*]Update iTunes
[*]Restart iPad
[*]Recharge iPad
[*]Check USB connections
[*]Restart computer
[*]Reinstall iTunes (for Windows PC)
[*]Resolve third-party software conflicts

Hi there.

Thanks for the input, but sadly I tried each and every one of the above suggestions to no avail.

The only one of the above instructions that is in question is "Restart iPad".

I only restarted the iPad by holding down the top corner on/off switch until the red slide arrow appeared and I then "slid it" :-)

I did not turn the iPad off by holing down that button and the "home"button" as I am not sure as to what would happen. I would hate to loose some or all of my expensive apps.

This also applies to actually uninstalling iTunes and then re-installing it again. What would happen to my expensive apps that I have downloaded and installed? One of these apps cost $150.


Sent from my iPad using iPF
Uninstalling iTunes won't delete your music or files. But actually if you have the same problem again, make sure you uninstall both iTunes and the Apple Mobile Device Support. The latter is what caused your problem most likely based on what you described.

After you remove both, make sure no apple devices are connected and reboot. Reinstall iTunes and reboot if it asks. Next time you start iTunes and connect your devices it'll take a bit longer to see them in iTunes but they should work. :)
Hi there.

Pardon my ignorance, but what or where can I find/use "Apple Mobile Device Support"?


Sent from my iPad using iPF
Hi there.

Pardon my ignorance, but what or where can I find/use "Apple Mobile Device Support"?


Sent from my iPad using iPF

If you need to uninstall it it'll be listed in your installed applications. It runs in the background automatically as soon as you start your PC. It provides the drivers and system services iTunes needs to talk to iOS devices. Usually when you have symptoms like you described it's the drivers part that is corrupted (whether files, or the registry entries). The Repair process doesn't correctly fix those issues for some odd reason. I've actually filed several bug reports with apple about that :)
Hi there.

I am assuming here that you are referring to the Windows add/remove feature listed under the
Program's and Features within the Control Panel of Windows?

And are you saying that I will not loose my apps and the like if I uninstall using the above?


Sent from my iPad using iPF
Yep, a big fuzzy hung.

I was however once told that there is not such thing as a silly question, only a silly answer. But for the moment, I will settle for that fuzzy hug before I tear what little hair I have left looking for settings and the like on the wrong device. :-)


Sent from my iPad using iPF
Hi there.

I am assuming here that you are referring to the Windows add/remove feature listed under the
Program's and Features within the Control Panel of Windows?

And are you saying that I will not loose my apps and the like if I uninstall using the above?


Sent from my iPad using iPF

Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Was having major network issues the last few days.

Yes, that is where it would be, and no, you won't lose any apps by uninstalling iTunes. It won't touch any of your apps media :)

Thank you for that.

I sympathise with you and your computer woes. I had a minor issue with mine today but luckily the problem was resolved quickly. :-)


Sent from my iPad using iPF
Hi not to sure what you mean by sync but I am having similar troubles connecting to App store keep getting Message Not able to connect
I have tried several fixes by altering the date also several appear to need to connect to a computer, as I have only access to the internet
via my I-Pad does anyone know of other fixes, I have no problems with connectivity via Wifi or 3G,

I-Pad2 Op System is IOS6 Wifi 3G 32 Gig
Try this:

Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings

You'll have to enter your wifi details again, but that fixes the problem you're having for most people :)
Thanks Joeyteel
Dont know why but system is now working, last time I had the problem changing the date solved it, this time it has resolved itself, am now noting all fixes, think Apple may be updating with bug fixes eventualy they will get it right

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