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Unexplainable cracked IPAD 2 screen(2 months old) Replacement or repair by Apple?

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iPF Noob
Gday, my IPAD 2 is 2months old, great piece of technology it is. i use it for business purposes and private.
Unexplainably i came home to a cracked screen and digital screen impairment, i had the IPAD in the drawer on charge whilst at work.
Had kids in the house but no one knows a thing.
have spoken and have a case now open with australia Apple and they want a wopping $498 for repair or replacement.
Case is open and being reviewed by current engineers.
Whilst investigating the case, they are trying to minimise the factors that could have cause this cracked ipad2.
one factor could be the charger over heating the ipad2 to have caused this incident.

I would like to know if not successful with having the IPAD2 replaced or repaired free of charge through Apple Australia. Would Apple america be a bit more technical, professional and understanding due to the fact that i am a loyal customer.

if apple are not understanding i will never buy another apple product again it will be samsung all the way.

everything i read on forums on replacing ipads or even repairing
do not cost people

delete irelevant forums that faulsely lead on members to beleive that apple really do replace or repair free of charge
I've seen plenty of cracked screens, but always from being dropped, stepped on or sat on. Never from over heating while charging.

I would not expect Apple to repair it free if your kids broke it...
Don't rule out the damage having been caused by your Children..............................when my two Sons were growing up they were known as "Not me" and "Nor me" ..........these were the stock answers when they broke anything.!!!
Just because you have a problem does not, using your own words, make " Apple Sux! " ( "crappy fragile piece of **** " ?....I think not. ) Despite what you think I am sure that somehow your iPad was knocked to cause the damage. I am also confident that if it had been replaced at the Store you would have been singing the praises of Apple.
totally disappointed

I have just bought my IPAD 2 just last month. I am the only one who uses it. Well, I pushed the button that is at the bottom of the IPAD on the screen to turn it on. As I did this, I heard a crack sound and then saw a crack across the bottom of my screen which leads from my button to the edge of the screen. Now I am told it will cost me $249.00 to replace the screen. I mean come on really, it can clearly be seen my device was not dropped. I honestly doubt by me pushing the button, which you are suppose to push to turn the device on, should crack the screen like this. Plus, costing more money for this device which I just paid $400. for, why would I want to or should pay additional $249. more just to replace what is clearly not a "dropped" damage. This is ridiculous. I am at a loss and will have to spend more just to keep my device working properly without the possibility of damage due to the cracked screen. This is my vented opinion.
I Also left my iPad 2 on charge over night and now it's got a crack the from the left side to the too corner on the right. I did not ever drop it or hit it in anyway because I leave it at home and don't take it out at all. I know no one broke it because I keep my doors locked in my room. I never dropped it or hit it. It would be a star burst crack and not a direct straight line from one place to another on my screen. I have no other way to explain it. And also I am the only kid in the house and I'm 15 and only my dad and 27 year only sister live with me.
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We have a long-running thread here where people discuss the various ways their screens get broken on the iPad. It also contains some tips on how to get repairs or how to talk to Apple about the breakage. It can be found here: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=25272

Please post your observations and concerns about broken iPad screens in that thread.

With that said, this thread is closed. Thanks for your understanding.

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