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Updating to iOS 4.3.x From an Older Version?


iPF Noob
Hello all. I have something that's been troubling me for a while. Two years ago I got my iPad and jailbroke it on iOS 4.2.1. It's been great, but now all the apps that I use on a regular basis are becoming 4.3+ only. I want to update to be able to update these apps, but I really hate iOS 5.x (so many useless features included, and it seems laggy on my dad's original iPad). So for that reason, I want to update to a version of 4.3 that has a jailbreak (probably 4.3.3). How can I do this so that I don't lose my apps (not the jailbroken ones. I already know those will be gone. I'm just worried about the ones from the app store)? Is there a guide somewhere (I couldn't find anything for this situation, only for downgrading)?
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Upgrading the iPad is essentially the same as downgrading - as long as you have SHSH blobs for the version of iOS that you want to go to. As you have an iPad1, and it's been jailbroken, you should have the blobs.

So, have a read through this sticky/tutorial: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=40887

Again, as long as you have the SHSH blobs, then you can go to any iOS version with that iPad1. And, I believe the web site Jailbreak.me is still an active site, so once you move up to iOS 4.3.3, you'll be able to easily jail break it with that.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.


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