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Hi!! I have a iphone4 and iPad 2 16gbwifi which I got second hand !! Now when I synced my ipad for the first time with my iTunes it said u need an upgrade to ios5 !! before that I changed the apple Id from the previous owners to mine and also the name of the iPad ... Now there are a few questions
Firstly my app store says upgrade for many apps .. So when I press upgrade it shows the old username not mine so I'm not able to upgrade
And when I transfer purshases by right clicking on my iPad name in I tunes it says some apps cannot be transfered bcz ur computer is not authorised for these apps

Any help will b appreciated !!
You will have to restore to factory defaults. Effectively, what you are trying to do is add someone else's purchases to your own, and the system is designed to stop this from happening (think piracy).

So, first of all, you need to restore the iPad to factory settings, then you will have a brand new device, ready to load up with your content. Your computer should already be authorized for your account, as you are already using it for your iPhone. What should happen, when you sync your iPad, is that apps that YOU have purchased for your iPhone, will be available for your iPad. Hope this helps.
No, unless you happen to know their Apple password, and even if you did, you would not be able to combine purchases and would lose the ability to sync between devices. For example, if you had "Pages" on your iPhone on your account, and the same program on you iPad under the old account, the two devices would not be in sync, nor would it be possible to sync them, so changes in a document on one device would not be reflected in the other.

By the way, the forum frowns on piracy and related issues, and this discussion sails perilously close to "advice on piracy", so perhaps best to just restore, and be done with it. I know it's a PITA to lose all the good stuff that the previous owner bought, but that's just the way it is.
Good to hear from you. You’ll find a whole bunch of iPad enthusiasts in this Forum who are only too willing to help other iPad owners and to hear of their experiences. Don’t be afraid to post any questions you may have or use the ‘Search’ button near the top of the Forum web page. I usually find I discover one new interesting and useful piece of information about my iPad every day - and often not even what I was looking for!!

Hope to hear from you soon with your thoughts about the iPad.

Have fun and enjoy your iPad

If you don’t already have it you can download a copy of the iPad manual for free.

Apple - Support - Manuals

Please read the rules too!!



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