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Userland Exploits Found for iOS5

From what I've seen they only announced they have found 5 different exploits, didn't go into detail about them so I don't think there is any way for apple to know what they are (unless someone leaks it). I'd be surprised if it took over a month as it sounds like they are just needing the device to test what they have done and then fine tune it. Wonder if they already have it done for the iPad2 on a iOS5 beta?
Just hope Comex doesn't ruin this. If they get patched before iOS 5 comes out, you can bet he is the one who would have stopped it. Who knows, maybe he already knows about it, I hope not... They better keep it secret, I'm sure Comex has connections.

LOL Here we go again. No offence mate, bit it's just started like the last time!
As am I but it would be nice to be able to have the latest firmware and be jailbroken; plus it would allow others that are above 4.3.3 to be able to enjoy a JB. I'm a little excited to see what new features iOS5 brings.
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It would be very interesting to know if they have used the exploits to JB an iPad 2 running iOS 5 beta!

In the article and video on iphoneforums.net it mentioned the A5 and the iPad 2 is the only device that has the A5. They said they had 5 exploits but it would seem they only way they would actually know they have 5 exploits is if they tested them and they worked. So I'm guessing they did get it to work with a beta iOS5 but I'm purely guessing, unless they come out and say they did take it with a grain of salt.
i have saved my 4.3.3 with tu is it safe to try ios 5 ,the go back to 4.3.3 ?

Should be fine. My understanding is that eventually, you will have to have an older version of iTunes to continue to load/run iOS version older than iOS5+ (cause Apple is changing the way they code firmware).

Let me quote our eminent hacker, f4780y: ...[F]rom IOS5, Apple are apparently upping the ante and introducing a NONCE component into the blobs meaning they can no longer be saved and replayed later using TU, Cydia or any other method. This is one of the things they do currently to help keep the baseband protected from downgrade.

So, once Apple stop signing a version of IOS5 there will be no way to ever restore that version on your device, even if you saved your blobs, because they can only be used once.

4.x blobs will continue to work of course, provided you have them saved.

So, we'll be good to go with our iOS 4.3.3 blobs - but will not be able to use blobs for 5.x and higher after iOS 5 is released. Will be interesting to see what can/will be done...

Yeah, I know, more than you asked for, but I just have to remind people that iOS 5 is going to be a v-e-r-y different ballgame for jailbreakers...

Well that's lame. Hopefully the devs will be able to figure something out over time once Apple goes to the new way of updates/restore.
SweetPoison said:
Exactly. I'm thinking about 6 months.

That's the last thing that I recall the judge saying to me!

Apparently, you bought the wrong judge. My judges always send me to Barbados to serve out my time. And to avoid costing the tax payer any money, my sentences are often paid for with confiscated money. You must be doing something wrong, Gabriel.

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