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Using sim card from Sierra wireless air card in ipad

I just purchased a 3G iPad. I have a Sierra wireless air card from AT&T that I use in my laptop with a 5gb per month plan. I'd like to use the sim card from that device in my iPad. I purchased a sim card cutter and cut the card down. With the included adapter, the card still works fine in my air card on my laptop.

If I put the sim card in my iPad, I show an AT&T 3G connection in the upper left corner of my screen. However, when I open safari I get a message saying that I have not signed up for a data plan and asking me if I would like to. If I say no, I get the following message:

"The sim is currently active and not available for activation in this device"

The APN is set to "broadband" which is the same setting my air card uses.

Can I get this card to work in my iPad? It is my understanding that the iPad is unlocked... Obviously there is something I'm missing. I've done some searching to attempt to find a resolution, but all the threads I can find relate to getting an iPhone or other carrier's sim to work.

Solved my problem. Found something about changing APN to wap.Cingular and that cured the problem. 3G is now working great!

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