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Using your iPad while in the sun.


iPF Noob
Help. Has anyone figured out how to use their iPad in the sun? I love to read outdoors and it is impossible to read even in the shade. I've already sold my Kindle. A while back I read something about reversing the screen to black and print to white. Does anyone know how to do this? I 'm hoping this will solve my problem. Thanks!
If it's a glare issue perhaps you can consider one of the many dry application anti glare screen protectors. I think there's a thread that talks about just that subject plus I'm actually looking at an advert of one on the forum right now.:D
I can read outside fine, and do, but not in direct sunlight. Never understood the than perhaps at the beach, why some one would want to set in direct sunlight and read.... Here in Texas it's too hot! A shade tree is nice though.....

Anyway, you did not say whist reader app you are using. I know the Kindle app can do black screen, if you are using it just go to the font settings menu...
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Bremen, Thanks for letting me know how to change to black on the Kindle app. I'm afraid that didn't work. On top of that, I have a Zapp screen protector on that is not anti-glare and my glasses that I are Transitions changing to dark in sun light. I am probably going to have to re-invest in a Kindle reader. I wish I had realized this a month ago, I would never have let go of mine. But I would still have gotten my iPad 64 3g. I dearly love it!
This is kind of "assumed" but I saw no one said it.... Outside use, go to settings and turn the brightness all the way up. Makes a big difference, might want to turn it back down indoors ..... It will cut battery life a bit....
Settings > General > Accessibility

turn Whit on Black to the on position.

Or you could also set your tripple-click on the home button to change back and forth between regular and black/white.

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