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Verification on IPAD - Doesnt work?


iPF Noob
Jul 19, 2010
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Hi All,

Im having a very strange problem.

I got my IPAD today, running Vista and the latest ITunes software on my desktop.

Ive setup everything and everything works perfectly, except for one thing.

Im unable to download anything from the Appstore/Itunes on the ipad. I can connect fine. The problem occurs when I click to download an app, and I am then taken to the verification for the itunes account. I get a popup to verify and I enter in the logins and password, and from there....nothing. I know its trying to send to Apple because I did it so many times my credit card company fraud alert group called me.

I know the credit card I use is good, I have it linked to three other accounts for the kids ITouches and Ipods, and even had it confirmed as authorized at the CC co. One point, if I remove the CC from my billing profile, Im able to download free apps from the IPAD. Once I put the CC number back in the profile, and attempt to download from the IPAD, I get a popup asking me to verify. I enter in my Itunes password then verify the CC info is good and re-enter the security code. I hit done, and nothing. Ive contacted Apple but thought I would throw it out there to see if anyone else has had this issue?

Ive logged in and out several times, both on ITUNES on the desktop computer and the Ipad.

Anyone out there experience anything similar? I could use prepaid itunes cards or paypal but would prefer to have this done the same way as our other itouch/iphones and ipods.

Thank you for any advice!
I just asked apple what they think it could be and they said it may take a few ours for them to verify the credit card for the account. They must charge $1 receive the funds and then credit it back.

I dunno what to think, maybe they have some hidden limit to the number of accounts per CC#.
I know its trying to send to Apple because I did it so many times my credit card company fraud alert group called me.
I need to switch banks! There have been months where I have felt like I have paid Steve Jobs' and Jeff Bezos' salary and my bank never calls me!
Ha I know the feeling, looking at my CC bill each month and seeing itunes charges after itunes charges. Just for grins I tried my amex and got the same problem.

So Im going to give it another try tonight, after I posted last night I gave up and put my Ipad to bed for the night.

Thanks you guys for your advice here and in chat...Ill report back tonight.

When I got home and powered up my precious, it had resolved itself. Must have been a timing issue. Thanks to all here and on chat !
Verification not working

I received my Ipad yesterday, and am having the exact same issue - the Ipad asks me to verify my billing address before it will allow me to download anything - even tho I have a $25.00 Itunes account balance - everything is correctly listed, when I hit the "Done" button I get a red error message telling me that the billing address entered does not match the address at my bank??? Hugh?? It's the exact same address that is used on two Ipod touches - and it auto-populated when I connected the Ipad to Itunes for the first time - so I did not mistype it.

Also, there are Apple transactions listed in my online bank statement for "0.00" amounts from the same day - clearly apple's attempts to verify me - and clearly it's correct because the transaction made it to my account.

Any one have any suggestions?

Thanks a lot.
Wow, thats helpful - thanks.
I didn't mean to sound like a smart-a$$, but this forum only shares its name with the company that makes the iPad and sells its content through iTunes. This forum in no way, shape or form represents the Apple Corporation in any capacity.
What? I was just looking for some advice with my Ipad - saw that someone else had the same issue - so decided to share. I'm fully aware that this forum has nothing to do with Apple - never implied that it did.
Well it appeared that you were asking about some very specific billing issues and error messages you were getting with your new iPad... and those are the types of questions that should go to Apple. Sorry if I offended you.

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