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Video Icons Missing


iPF Noob
This problem has existed for me for a number of iOS revisions. I have copied 34 movies to my iPad via sync with my Windows 10 desktop iTunes. 4 of those movies are missing their icons on the iPad. On the desktop, they still have their icons. If I delete the movies on the iPad and do another sync, the same 4 moves are again missing their icons. Is there any way to force the icons to be displayed?
In iTunes on the Desktop, right click the movies in question and select Get Info. Cluck the Artwork tab in the popup to see if there is any artwork. If not, Google the movie title in, select a decent image, and copy&paste it into he artwork. You should see the new artwork the next time you sync the iPad to iTunes.

I won't guarantee this is what is going on (missing artwork), but it is the most common cause of what you are describing.
Thank you for your response. My problem does indeed seem to be missing icons on my SD files. For many of my videos, I have both HD & SD versions. All of the HD versions seem to have their icons, but some of the SD versions do not. I don't know what could have happened, since they were not always missing icons. I am now in the process of doing a general cleanup of my movie library and am re-downloading several SD version movies.

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