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VLC for iPad Approved by Apple - In Store Now


Staff member
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4CHkHtUJ8w]YouTube - VLC For iPad Preview[/ame]

If you were waiting for the VLC app for the iPad to be approved, wait no longer. It has been approved by Apple and is now available int he app store. We first discussed VLC being a competitor (and perhaps, far superior) to Cinexplayer previously.

Now that it's availble, you can do an apple's to apple's comparison. So hop on over to the App store, check out and let us know what you think!

(Source: AppAdvice.com)
I would be impressed if the VLC app would play my avi files. Out of the 10 I tried it played only two correctly. Yes, they all play in VLC on my Mac. Just read the app store reviews, there are many others having the same problem. I love VLC and have been a huge fan for years, but it looks like this release was rushed to the app store before it was ready. :-(
Absolutely agree.. :(

I've downloaded and tried a short mkv file, but it gave me a note:
"Yor iPad is probably too slow to play this movie correctly."

You can still say: TRY, but it is hopeless.

I haven't tried simple .avi as I have CinexPlayer for that, which - luckily has
not refused to play many files.
Plus even the ones Cinexplayer refuses, just run through Avimux and everything works fine again.

The other annoying thing is that you can only delete a film/file through iTunes, which is shabby again.

This software is so good and free. It plays almost all formats including m4v. APPLIDIUM should be thanked profusely for providng this fo iPad users.
Remember theres no hardware acceleration in the iPad version.

Hardware acceleration has nothing to do with some the 8 out of 10 avi files I tried not playing even though they play fine on my Mac with VLC. Look in the app comments, many people are having the same problem.

I love VLC, I've even made a donation and have been using it on my Macs since the day it was available (and used it in Windows before that). All I'm saying is this app is not ready for prime time and should have been worked on more before it was released. My worry is people who don't know anything about VLC will get fed up with this buggy version and never try it again.
I might have been overenthusiastic to find a free version of VLC for iPad. But usually they release updates fixing the bugs and I along with so many admirers of VLC software wish that they release an update very soon.
I've been using it for a few days now, and am VERY HAPPY.. though I wish there was some sort of "audio boost" for it. Sometimes the videos are very quiet (not sure why)

- Kross
I've had it since it was released and still have yet to play a single video. Every time I open the app, it tries to load the video previews and them immediately crashes out to the home screen.

I'm just glad it was free...
I decided to give this app another chance. Until now, I've been doing challenging tests like .AVI and DivX formats.

But today I tried a video that plays just fine in both the default Videos app synced through iTunes, and inside GoodReader.

Totally and utter fail. I haven't found one single HD video that will play in VLC - including ones that are formatted specifically for iPad.
The developers are going to have to make some huge improvements to get me to use vlc. ZumoCast works with every format I have tried and I don't have to sync through iTunes. Streams video and also allows me to access all kinds of files on my home and office desktops.
So i just tried to put on an h.264 mov that plays perfectly fine on the stock player from air sharing and it wouldn't play the video, only sound. Weak!

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