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VLC player for for iPad

All of my video is seen one of three ways:

1) iTunes syncing
Movies that I want to convert and keep and take with me.

2) GoodReader
Movies that I want to watch once or twice but taking it with me would be nice. Sports falls into this category the most Some conversion may be necessary.

3) Air Video
This app plays anything, and I mean ANYTHING. The disadvantage is that it is effectively WIFI only and your computer needs to be running.

I was hoping that VLC Player would simplify this a bit, but it appears not to be ready.
I have been using ZumoCast. The only things I have found so far it won't play are files that are DRM protected. It streams video files from your computer, or you can download files wirelessly.
I've replaced AirVideo with Zumocast as the latter also gives access to my docs and pictures as well as stream video.
They've put it out way too soon.. :(

I've downloaded app and tried a short mkv file, but it gave me a note:
"Yor iPad is probably too slow to play this movie correctly."

You can still say: TRY, but it is hopeless.

Whoa.. Weren't they aware of the speed of an iPad?? there aren't any
variations of it yet :)

I haven't tried simple .avi as I have CinexPlayer for that, which - luckily has not refused to play many files for me.
Plus even the ones Cinexplayer refuses, just run through Avimux and everything works fine again.

The other annoying thing is that you can only delete a film/file through iTunes, which is shabby again.
My problem with cinexplayer is that itunes wants to backup the movie files during the sync process. My last iPad sync was going for over 24 hours and was only 1/2 done. I looked at my backups folder and there were two new 700mb files there. That's really lame...I don't want them to backup due to time taken and I don't need to use up the extra disk space backing them up.
My problem with cinexplayer is that itunes wants to backup the movie files during the sync process. My last iPad sync was going for over 24 hours and was only 1/2 done. I looked at my backups folder and there were two new 700mb files there. That's really lame...I don't want them to backup due to time taken and I don't need to use up the extra disk space backing them up.

That is true of every "store stuff" app including GoodReader. I just turn off automatic backups and backup manually.
I can't get it to sync via itunes. Whenever I import files they don't appear on the Ipad, according to VLC. I'm able to sync files with iannotate, so I'm not doing something wrong.
I think this was the shortest lived app on my iPad... I didn't even bother to sync.

I have to agree with you on that one. I loaded two movies from iTunes, and choppiness and pixelation was crazy. Uninstalled. Wait for further releases of this.
FLVs working, XVID looks good too.

If you want to play FLVs check out this post:

www . kohactive .com/html/labs/how-to-play-flv-files-on-offical-vlc-for-ipad

How to play FLV files on Offical VLC for Ipad. | kohactive | Web Design Chicago | Interactive Design Chicago | Online Marketing | Search Engine Optimization | Web Application Development[/url]

How to play FLV files on Offical VLC for Ipad. | kohactive | Web Design Chicago | Interactive Design Chicago | Online Marketing | Search Engine Optimization | Web Application Development[/url]

In my tests it played a couple XVID avis downloaded from net very smoothly.

The two AVI Xvids i have are 624x352. Why bother with HD video on iPad. The display isnt even capable of anything near 1080p. Anything over 780 is over kill considering 1024x768 is the native resolution.

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