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Vs. Motorola xoom...


iPF Noob
Don't get me wrong, I do love android too. I've owned my htc evo since it's release last June and still love it. But wow. Today I got to test drive a buddy's moto xoom and I have to say: honeycomb (aka android 3.1) is really disappointing. I don't know if the problem is mostly hardware (it shouldn't be, the xoom has specs similar to ipad2) or if honeycomb is just laggy and unpolished, but the ui was just horrible performance wise. It looked beautiful but just scrolling side to side it felt like an atari 2600 trying to run windows 7 on max settings. It could fire up apps quickly but the ui just seemed way too heavy. I own an ipad2 and have wondered at times if maybe I chose the wrong tablet. Using the xoom today has made me confident that I own the best tablet out there, hands down. Even my pc is getting jealous...
I don't thinks it's honeycomb directly.....because google only output's a vanilla version of honeycomb allowing for the distro's to add thier own flavor which then tends to bog it down...for what ever reason.
I'm on the run so don't have time right now to post at length, but I started with a Xoom and really wanted it to work - but it didn't. I bought an iPad2 and while it is not perfect it is IMO clearly the best ~10" tablet on the market right now. It just plain works, and works really well. There are issues and compromises, but that's true of every product in this market (and probably will be true for the foreseeable future).
I'm a Android user at this point and I did tried the Xoom after I got my iPad 2 and a simple way to describe the Xoom (to me) is good science project. Still have a lot to polish and maybe one day will be better but I don't think they can touch the iPad.

( Again this is my 2cents )

iFrog - Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
I messed around with the Xoom myself and i just couldnt find it interesting. nothing compared to the iPad for me
Still on the run :D but when I started using the Xoom, I started thinking "do I keep this or get rid of it?" When I started using the iPad2, I just smiled - didn't think about returning or selling it. I need to say that I have been and still am a totally dyed in the wool PC person, going all the way back to the original IBM PC, so these are *not* fanboy, drank-the-koolaid comments.

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