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Watching movies/TV shows on iPad

You guys got to get up with the times. I have a 46 Sharp in the den, a 26 LG on the patio, a 26 Sharp on the wall in front of the Pool, a 26 LG in the Home Office, a 37 Sharp in the Bedroom, a 20 in the Grandkids Bedroom, and a 20 in the Garage. How can you get by without a flatscreen?

What, nothing in the kitchen or bathroom? :p

That's what the iPad's for!
why do people choose to watch things on a 9.7 inch screen, rather than in 1080p on a 40+ inch screen?

Um, we don't all have big televisions. I don't own a television at all, and don't plan to get one - I'm using the space for an archaic entertainment media called "books." (Your iPad has an electronic version - picture that, but on reconstituted wood pulp with ink.)

The iPad's fine for what little I do watch (umm, the Closer and a new show called Rubicon).
I don't unless I'm watching YouTube or news clips or other short clips...I might if I have it out somewhere and bored with wifi available..No point since I have a 58 plasma in living room and 54 in bedroom.

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