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Welcome International members

a) Where you are from : South Africa - Pretoria
b) Do you own an ipad if so what model Mine 64GB Wifi 3G & Fiance 16GB Wifi 3G
e) Are there any specific concerns you have relative to your country and Apple ipad or Apple in general that we may answer In SA there are limited apps available @ present.
f) Do you own a stand alone Apple Macintosh or PC and what type that has itunes on it. Nope
g) Which itunes store do you use? South Africa
h) Finally what would you like this forum to provide to you as an international member I am a Noob when it comes to anything IT but I will look, read and learn first then ask.

Cheers from Sunny SA
a) Where you are from : Country, City
Paris, France

b) Do you own an ipad if so what model
32GB WiFi

c) If you are going to buy an ipad if so what model
Got one !

d) When do you expect to receive your ipad if you are buying one
See above

e) Are there any specific concerns you have relative to your country and Apple ipad or Apple in general that we may answer
OK for my country..I'll probably have questions for when I travel.

f) Do you own a stand alone Apple Macintosh or PC and what type that has itunes on it.
MBP 13

g) Which itunes store do you use? ( Country )

h) Finally what would you like this forum to provide to you as an international member
Help when needed and help others if I can
Northern Nsw Australia
Had a 64 gb 3G iPad 1 sold it on eBay weeks ago missing it
Want an iPad 2 64 gb 3 g white model
Have a 27" quad core iMac
Ordered online from apple store at 11.15pm on 24/3/2011
Shipping date quoted 15/4/11
Delivery date 21/4/2011
Been looking everywhere for one sooner with no luck outbid a gozillion times on eBay already. Even bought n paid for one one eBay us but order was cancelled n refunded. Guess he sold it to
Me too cheap.
Presently run iTunes au
Any ideas re getting one in my hands b4 21/4/11 welcome
Regards cheekyricho
a) Where I am from : Malaysia's very own Kuala Lumpur.

b) Do I own an iPad? : No, but I will be soon.

c) If I am going to buy an iPad : Already ordered- Black 64GB Wi-Fi+3G iPad 2.

d) When do I expect to receive your iPad : Ships by 13/6/11, Delivers by 16/6/11. Of course I'll hope to get it sooner.

e) Specific concerns I have relative to my country and Apple iPad or Apple in general : Malaysian iTunes is only App Store, no paid e-books available. NO APPLE STORES. Only stupid resellers.

f) Do I own a stand-alone Apple Macintosh or PC? : Yes, a Sony VAIO FW-35G and an Acer Aspire 6920G; both running iTunes 10.2.2 on Windows 7 Ultimate.

g) Which iTunes store do I use? : Main account is with iTunes USA, several secondary ones with iTunes Malaysia.

h) What would I like this forum to provide to myself as an international member: More localized networking- a section for Malaysians. That's all I can think of for now.

i) Side notes: It amuses me to see people rant online about the suckiness of US carriers (AT&T & Verizon comes to mind), it doesn't apply to me since I live in Malaysia- A country whose all three major carriers offer unlimited data from as low as $20 monthly, without any contract. Which is why it amuses me so much.
a) Where I am from : Malaysia's very own Kuala Lumpur.

b) Do I own an iPad? : No, but I will be soon.

c) If I am going to buy an iPad : Already ordered- Black 64GB Wi-Fi+3G iPad 2.

d) When do I expect to receive your iPad : Ships by 13/6/11, Delivers by 16/6/11. Of course I'll hope to get it sooner.

e) Specific concerns I have relative to my country and Apple iPad or Apple in general : Malaysian iTunes is only App Store, no paid e-books available. NO APPLE STORES. Only stupid resellers.

f) Do I own a stand-alone Apple Macintosh or PC? : Yes, a Sony VAIO FW-35G and an Acer Aspire 6920G; both running iTunes 10.2.2 on Windows 7 Ultimate.

g) Which iTunes store do I use? : Main account is with iTunes USA, several secondary ones with iTunes Malaysia.

h) What would I like this forum to provide to myself as an international member: More localized networking- a section for Malaysians. That's all I can think of for now.

i) Side notes: It amuses me to see people rant online about the suckiness of US carriers (AT&T & Verizon comes to mind), it doesn't apply to me since I live in Malaysia- A country whose all three major carriers offer unlimited data from as low as $20 monthly, without any contract. Which is why it amuses me so much.

We are starting some country-specific forums - we currently have French, Spanish and Australian. More to follow! We have unlimited 3G data plans in the UK too!

We are starting some country-specific forums - we currently have French, Spanish and Australian. More to follow! We have unlimited 3G data plans in the UK too!


Unlimited 3g? Who? :) guess i should look harder lol
Haha, that was a fast reply... And God bless localization! :D Ain't unlimited plans amazing? Although I'm not using one. Mine has a 10GB cap but no overages.
I wanna be an International Member.:(

...What do you mean? Oh, 'cause of the unlimited 3G thing? Oh, I'm paying dearly for that. Not in bills but lifestyle. Malaysians don't get Apple Retail Stores, only Resellers. And we get things like the iPad and iPhone MONTHS after they launched in the US. And when we try to buy something from US (Beats by Dre Studio headphones come to mind), we have to brave eBay and go through items to find authentic ones. And when things DO get here, they're HORRIBLY overpriced. Example: Beats Studios cost around $300 in the US but $550 here in Malaysia. So yeah, I don't get why you want to be an Int'l Member. Except maybe prices of living are cheaper. (Sort of-ish.)
Hi from Brisbane

a) Where you are from :
Australia, Brisbane (North)

b) Do you own an ipad if so what model
Yes ... iPad2 Wi-Fi + 3G ... 32g

c) If you are going to buy an ipad if so what model
Already got one above :-)

d) When do you expect to receive your ipad if you are buying one
Got it a month ago and love it :-)

e) Are there any specific concerns you have relative to your country and Apple ipad
or Apple in general that we may answer
None for Australia that I can think of yet :-)

f) Do you own a stand alone Apple Macintosh or PC and what type that has itunes on it.
Run PC laptops at home with itunes Australia (unsure on version)

g) Which itunes store do you use? ( Country )

h) Finally what would you like this forum to provide to you as an international member
Help of travel to USA (going there in 7 weeks)
How I can use my iPad while there
Any suggustions on getting sim card
Would be mainly used for emailing back to Australia

Looking forward to looking around the forum.
Any help I get is appreciated as I am a new user to the iPad (oh and to Apple)

Take care
a) Where you are from :
Botswana, Gaborone but living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

b) Do you own an ipad if so what model
Yes ... iPad2 Wi-Fi 16GB

c) If you are going to buy an ipad if so what model
Already got one above but I think I want a Wi-Fi 3G 64 GB

d) When do you expect to receive your ipad if you are buying one
Got it 3 weeks ago

e) Are there any specific concerns you have relative to your country and Apple ipad
or Apple in general that we may answer
No Apple stores in Botswana so Im going to have to go to South Africa for anything related. Malaysia's cool.

f) Do you own a stand alone Apple Macintosh or PC and what type that has itunes on it.
HP Pavilion 32 bit, Pentium 4 PC and a Sony Vaio 64bit i5 Hot pink E-series laptop. Laptop has itunes 10.5 i think.

g) Which itunes store do you use? ( Country )
Malaysia i think.

h) Finally what would you like this forum to provide to you as an international member
Can't think of anything at the moment but I'll let you guys know, should anything come up.
And a job maybe. Im 2 weeks away from graduating, LOL

Looking forward to looking around the forum.
Any help I get will be greatly appreciated.
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