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I live in Beijing, purchased my 3G wife iPad in New York and have tried and failed to download app from the US Apple store to my. The process of downloading always results in the prompt "Your payment method was declined. Please enter another payment method." American Express says there's no approval problem with my card. Apple's Beijing Genius desk suggested in change my Amex billing address from Beijing to the US, which I did, and still my attempts to purchase apps are declined.
Any suggestion?
Hello to everyone

Hi i am new, i am considering buying a ipad wanted to get feedback on this item from people who own it and use it everyday. Thank you for sharing.:)
How do I connect my IPad to my LG television. I bought an Adapt connect dock aple to VGA and it does not work..
Unlock IPAD

i had purchase IPAD from US. How to unlock IPAD & i am using Airtel micro sim card pls. suggest
Anyone having problems sending and receiving gmail on their ipad? It was working fine until today. I tried deleting and installing my gmail account again, but it just keeps "checking for mail" and doesn't stop. my hotmail accounts are fine.
Hello everyone. Just joined. Quick question. When I purchased my iPad & iPad holder, I wanted to protect both the screen & preserve the black carrier...so...after I placed the iPad cover on the iPad, I then placed the three section plastic cover over the entire iPad in order to protect not only the iPad screen, but the actual cover as well. It's doing a great job protecting and keeping both the cover and particularly the screen clean...I eat a lot...so believe me...I need to protect my investment. Anyway, my question is...with this (complete covering of the iPad) adversly affect my iPad?
Can anyone make a recommendation?
Delays in watching slideshows

Last night tried to watch a Christmas slideshow and it kept getting hung up and delaying transmission as though it was continually downloading.

Is there a way around this?
YouTube video solution?

I tried waiting for YouTube video's to load completely & start on their own - seems to not stop anymore.
Any suggestions?

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