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Welcome to iPadForums.net - Your Apple iPad Forum & Community

Welcome on board every one it's all most 4am Sunday in Brisbane Thought I better say hello from down under Enjoy the forum
Thanks! Glad to be a part of this forum

I need help with getting my ipad calendar to sync the entries I make into my google online calendar. How do I post this to get some advice? Thanks!
Eff you iBook spammer, enjoy your ban.

Got mine

I got the 32g and bought a verizon mifi. I can have wifi wherever I go for $39 a month. The mifi was free with a 2 year contract. Can't wait to learn to use it to it's full capability. Looking forward to learning a lot from this forum and you guys.
France mobile providers.

Hi everyone,
I'm new to this iPad thingy,
Iam travelling to France and would like to get a simcard for 3G.
Ido not want a contract, preferably a prepaid style account.
Any ideas?
love iPad

I come from China,now it is just the morning.may be it is ur night.but it is not matter..beacause we all like iPad..............:)
All I can say:
Yeah, I just joined but I have to admit I am a fanatic of Apple and since I got my iPad, I´ve been going NUTS!
I started off browsing around a couple days ago looking for answers and I said: why browse around looking for answers when I can join the community and be a part of it? Well, thats what I did and I´m enjoying it!!
Great Forum BTW:D

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