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ianfarf said:

You tube videos wont play continuously, going from play to stop after a few seconds. I click on play and after a few seconds it stops again. It does this whether I'm on wireless or 3G on my iPad 2. It does this when I use YouTube app or through Safari. I have most updated version on my iPad. When I first bought my iPad it would play entire YouTube video but not now. I must have messed up some kind of setting. Any ideas?
Just got my iPad 2 today.

Plugged in to laptop computer and registered the iPad.

It started to sync the iTunes to the iPad, then finished.

When I click on the iTunes icon on the iPad it is just taking me to the iTunes store and nothing else. I turned off the iPad, then switched on. Plugged it in to make sure that it had synced fully with the iTunes on the laptop. Still the same problem.

What am I doing wrong, or what have I not done that I should have??

Help please????
iTunes on the iPad is just a portal to the store. All your other bits and pieces go straight to the relevant apps, so music will be in the Music App, videos in the Video App, etc, etc.

The Archangel
Thanks for that.

However, I cannot find any of my music or audible audiobooks anywhere.

I don't have a 'music app' icon etc. Where will it have sent all my stuff??
Apologies for being dim. I have found it all!!
I have an iPod Touch so have an iPod icon, everything is in there

Thanks for your help

Merry Christmas!
I have had my iPad for seven months. Love it but am frustrated because I mistakenly created two fb accounts. On unwanted account I have changed my password, spelled my name differently and changed my display name. I wouldn't care accept notifications are going to that acct. Also I downloaded a photo app to organize my photos and have them flow to fb...they went to the unwanted acct. I am 69 years old and have taught myself by playing with my iPad but can't solve this probelm! Can anyone help me??
I have two issues.

1. Since I updated to iTunes my idevices do not sync. The only way they work is connecting them with the wire.

2. This has been going on for a long time. Every time I open the iTunes store I lose my Internet connect.

Can someone help me?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I am having a difficult time finding where to post my problem... Can someone tell where i can start a new query.. My emails have started to go to lala apple land.. THANKS
as a new owner too I know that one and can explain. You need to set up an itunes account so that you can buy, songs, apps, games, books etc. This mean that your ipad will work to capacity. Its easy to do and will lead you to many new delights.
There is no such thing as a silly question.. its just a question no one has asked before and tothers may learn too.
cheers Jenny
Hi guys. For many people using their new ipad can be a daunting task with so many variables. The introduction of the touchscreen is one example of this, as this alone can be a whole topic of study.
Regards, Mike
Help! Just bought the iPad 3 today, and it will NOT connect to my home wifi. The iPad refuses to recognize my wifi password. It says, "Wrong password." But it's not. What's with THAT? I can't even use my expensive toy. So frustrating! This is my first iPad.
Hey People ! I'm guessing you guys are really excited about this new fantastic product ! Not to mention, ME TOO ! Anyway just to find out, i bought the new iPad last night, 16th of march . When the iPad came out from the box, it had 90% on it. After much usage, now its 64%. So am i right to say that i am suppose to run down the battery and the charge it for 7/8 hours ?

Please reply, THANKS !
merryheart7 said:
Help! Just bought the iPad 3 today, and it will NOT connect to my home wifi. The iPad refuses to recognize my wifi password. It says, "Wrong password." But it's not. What's with THAT? I can't even use my expensive toy. So frustrating! This is my first iPad.

Make sure you don't have a case problem.

The cool thing about Apple is their customer support. Use the Express Support and they can help you resolve this.

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