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hi every one
i just bought ipad two weeks ago and i jailbreak that with spirit
when i install app sync in cydia my ipad doesnt work and stuck in apple logo pleasssss help me
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How to plug in headphones

Does the iPad use a propritary headphone jack? I have a set of headphones & they go into the jack, but won't go in all the way. I don't want to force them in & break it. Do I need to buy an adapter?
Rotation Lock

My rotation lock is apparently on. A lock icon appears in the upper right corner of my iPAD any my screen will not rotate. Can anyone tell me how to turn it off?
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Does the iPad use a propritary headphone jack? I have a set of headphones & they go into the jack, but won't go in all the way. I don't want to force them in & break it. Do I need to buy an adapter?
I have the same problem. Additionally, my earphones are not stereo in this less than full insertion. That doesn't seem right,
My rotation lock is apparently on. A lock icon appears in the upper right corner of my iPAD any my screen will not rotate. Can anyone tell me how to turn it off?
Its right above the volume control. It should be in the up position (closest to the top of the iPad) for the rotation to work.


(You do know there is a user's manual for the iPad, right?)
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Thank you very much. I apparently need to read things more closely. Where do I find the users manual so I can read it? FOUND IT, NEVERMIND!
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Help will not turn on or be recognized in itune acct

Hi My ipad 32gb 3g will not turn on. I connected it to my laptop and it is not recognized in my itune account. Will I have to return to the Apple store. Is is 6 weeks old.

Hey I have a simple question :)

I have been able to send email from my iPad till this morning and I don't know what going on or why it doesn't work a MSG shows up and tell me that either my user name or my password are incorrect even that I'm sure that it is

I have tried delete my account and do it again, turn off my iPad but nothing changed

I can receive emails but can't send them it said that the smtp is either the user or password are incorrect
By the way I'm using hotmail , so help me pleas
how do I delete email addresses. I'm sure the Ipad folks know some people change their email address. One of my friends did and now the name has two email addresses.
Open address book find your contact edit contact delete second email address the select
Edit and quit
help i messed with the voice setting and now I can't slide it open
Go to your computer on the Apple site and find the manual for the iPad. Then search for the commands in the accessibility section. If you triggered something you may find it there. If not an Apple store person will be able to help.
Then there's the dreaded reformat...

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