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Hi. Does anyone know if there is a way to lock the screen rotation after upgrading to 4.2? Thanks.

double-click the home screen button and then scroll all the way to the left and you should see the option to lock the screen and close apps that are open.
I agree that this is a much needed service. I'd also like to recommend GilsMethod.com for great, easy to understand help.

One of the first things I need to learn is how to post a live link on here. LOL. Could anyone help me?
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Steven ... unfortunately, since Apple requires it. I have heard of some people being able to bypass it but I have been unable to do that.
Help help help

I downloaded the new update OS4.2.....it stated it transfered data blah blah blah but when it went to sync all data back to ipad....it froze in the process....long story short i have LOST EVERYTHING!! I had an IT guy take a look to see if he could "find all my missing apps"...no luck.....in the mean time trying to get in touch with support via phone has had its own issues.....I had over 100 apps both free and paid for....my question is how can I get these back....even if wanted to download again it no longer gives me that option as it states I already have it.....wish i truly did:).....worst thing i ever tried to do was upgrade:(......any help with this would be greatly appreciated.....otherwise it will be a forever waiting game trying to get in touch with support......in the mean time extremely upset and very disappointed!!
transferring app to ipad

when i try drag an app to my ipad a white number 1 on red dot with a + sign appears and it won't drop into my ipad! help please?
Elba you'll need to use the audible app for iphone to get the books you can't download straight from the internet.
Hey guys, just curious about my iPad Battery. Are you mean't to run it down to 0% before charging it back up to 100% as I have been told it is best to do that but when I look online a lot of people are saying wait till it is around 15% and charge it back up to 100& as I generally just do it that way.

I have always charged my iPad fully when it goes down to 15% but there has been the odd one or two times I have let it drain completely and then charge it back up to full straight away.

Any advice on this would be greatest
Hotmail stuck

My new iPad works very well - except when it goes to mail.
It shows one email from hotmail, and stuck there forever.
Would not respond to any touch.

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