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What a great iPod!


iPF Noob
With all the focus on the multiple amazing features of the iPad, it is easy to ignore its functionality as an iPod. As an owner of pretty much every generation of iPod, I have to say that the iPad beats all of them by a mile. The user interface for managing your music is superb. The big screen allows for so much more content than on the Touch. And it is so much more usable than what you get on your computer in iTunes. I especially like the artist view in which the right-side window shows all the albums by the artist and lists all the songs so it is easy to browse everything by that artist. However, the most pleasant discovery is that the sound quality is better than that of any previous iPod. I hadn't even plugged in headphones until today - I was just listening to the built-in speakers and hadn't even tried just listening to music. The speakers are surprisingly decent, but certainly give no clue whatsoever as to the audio quality of the iPad.
I haven't even checked out the iPod functionality. I figured I'd use my iPhone for music and the iPad for apps, movies, etc...

I'll have to add an album or two now so I can check it out.

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