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What are your dissapointments in Ios5 ?

adavis said:
More useless apps (to me anyway) to clutter up the home screen. No use for Newsstand and Messages and they can't be deleted.

Agreed with newsstand. Ive got no use for that either and you cant even hide it within a folder.
I updated my iPad 1 yesterday.

Even lower battery life than before? Jeez, will Apple ever appreciate the iOS 3 that my iPad was shipped with made the battery last all week?

I don't like the tabbed bowsing, but I use it on my PC, so I'm sure I'll get used to it.

What happened to the old feature of being able to tap the top of the browser page to go to the top of it? Tried last night and couldn't do it.

Also, is Bluetooth turn on and offable in settings as before?
There's a thread about battery life and it seems to be hit and miss. Some are saying that there's an issue while others are seeing no change or that it's better. Mine is as good as it every was, but who knows what's contributing to the differences. iOS 5.0.1 is supposed to be released in a few weeks and it's focused on addressing battery life for the iPhone 4S, but they say it should benefit all iOS devices. We'll see. A few folks said that resetting their iPad's brought the battery life back to normal...

Reset the iPad: You can do this by pressing the Home button and the Sleep/wake switch on the top the iPad's case and holding them down together for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo. The iPad should then reset itself. The boot up process takes a few minutes and then the iPad should be responsive again. More here:

iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting

I hadn't noticed Mobile Safari's "return to top of page" feature missing, but I believe you're right, that doesn't work any more. Safari is faster and more secure now, but agreed, that was a nice feature they should have kept.

Bluetooth can be turned on and off in Settings > General > Bluetooth. Turning off some other services for various apps (particularly Notifications) that constantly have to provide iCloud with your whereabouts may help battery life as well.
After updating my camera shutter is frozen. I can use the front camera for facetime, but when I open the camera app, the shutter never opens. I just bought it 2 days ago. I'm thinking about taking it back, exchanging and not upgrading to IOS5 until some of these bugs can be fixed.
After updating my camera shutter is frozen. I can use the front camera for facetime, but when I open the camera app, the shutter never opens. I just bought it 2 days ago. I'm thinking about taking it back, exchanging and not upgrading to IOS5 until some of these bugs can be fixed.
I agree, return it and see if they either can't get it sorted out or if not they'll give you a replacement. Let us know how things go.
This may be more app related but why on this Earth can I NOT add an existing contact to an Existing group. Drives me bannanas!
Notifications should auto clear when acknowledged.
Yeah, that would be nice.. especially because certain notifications I don't go to right away (like my news ones) and then suddenly I drop down the notification bar and I have like 10 of them in there lol
Want to be able to change colors for conversation bubbles, customize them like ringtones. I text a lot of pole and I find that I mix my messages up because I can't get an immediate notification within convo stream. Don't really pay attention to names all the time.
Want to be able to change colors for conversation bubbles, customize them like ringtones. I text a lot of pole and I find that I mix my messages up because I can't get an immediate notification within convo stream. Don't really pay attention to names all the time.
Agreed. That can be really embarrassing sometimes...for all of the reasons you can imagine. :eek: :D
richsadams said:
I hadn't noticed Mobile Safari's "return to top of page" feature missing, but I believe you're right, that doesn't work any more. Safari is faster and more secure now, but agreed, that was a nice feature they should have kept.

Bluetooth can be turned on and off in Settings > General > Bluetooth. Turning off some other services for various apps (particularly Notifications) that constantly have to provide iCloud with your whereabouts may help battery life as well.

I don't know whether I've missed something here but I have always been able to, and still can tap the top of safari and get insta-scrolled to the top of the page.
JBhunt150 said:
How A shortcut on a page for synching and iCloud backup so you don't have to dig through the menus

Like a widget or quadruple home button or rotate four fingers counter clockwise but widget might b most effective ☺
How A shortcut on a page for synching and iCloud backup so you don't have to dig through the menus

On another iPad forum, someone has written a bunch of bookmarklets that do exactly that. You can add one-touch buttons to your homescreen for almost every iPad setting. Most tech blogs have picked up the link in the past week, in case you want to google for "one-touch icon" or something similar and find the free bookmarklets. They work on all iDevices.

We're not allowed to even post links to the tech blog articles from here, because they link to the bookmarklets, which reside on another iPad forum.

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